A pretty, more usable dashboard for Apache Oozie built with Scala, Scalatra, and Twitter Bootstrap
code: src/main/scala
web resources: src/main/webapp
config: src/main/resources
- cp src/main/resources/oozie.properties.example src/main/resources/oozie.properties
- edit oozie.properties with your oozieUrl of choice
- ./sbt
- sbt> container:start
- enjoy the view at localhost:8080
This is built and tested against oozie 2.3.2 from Cloudera's CDH3u3 hadoop distribution.
It has not been tested against oozie 3, nor are there any oozie3 features represented currently.
We use a simple deployment method which runs JettyLauncher#main
To build the jar:
./sbt assembly
To Run the jar:
java jar target/oozie-web.jar 8080
This requires the files in src/main/webapp to still be on the filesystem for the jar to find, which isn't ideal, but works for now.
Ideally it would look inside the jar for the files