Full-stack template for an:
- express server protected by CORS and helmet
- DB and REST API functionality powered by knex and sqlite3
- a frontend served up with React and axios
Select "Use this template" and clone to your machine to continue
git clone <URL>
You will want to change "category" with whatever relates to your project. Following are the files that will need updating ( I prefer using ctrl + F and selecting all in a file to replace ) :
- src/knexfile.js (db name)
- src/category (dir name)
- src/category/category-middleware.js
- src/category/category-model.js
- src/category/category-router.js
# install all server dependencies
cd src
npm i
# initiate eslint
npx eslint --init
# install all client dependencies
cd client
npm i
# initiate eslint in client
npx eslint --init
# run server
cd src
npm run server
# run frontend
cd client
npm start
# frontend tests done with cypress
npm test
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.