This is a n-layer architecture based on Common web application architectures. The technologies used can be found below. It will be updated to the latest versions, depending on how stable they will be.
- .NET 6
- ASP.NET Core 6
- Swagger (Documentation)
- Entity Framework Core (SQL Server)
- ASP.NET Core Identity (SQL Server)
- AutoMapper
- FluentValidation
- NUnit (Integration tests)
- XUnit (Unit tests)
- FluentAssertion (Testing projects)
- NBuilder (Testing projects)
A quick method to use the exposed solution is to download a copy of this project, if you meet all the requirements, the project will run without any problems and can be used from the first second.
Migrations will be applied automatically. If you want to add new migrations to be applied to over the database, you will need to run the command below in the root folder
dotnet ef migrations add Migration-Name --project N-Tier.DataAccess -o Persistence/Migrations --startup-project N-Tier.API
If you are having problems, please let me know by raising a new issue.