OverEngineers Team solution for Google Hashcode 2020.
Given a description of libraries and books available, plan which books to scan from which library to maximize the total score of all scanned books, taking into account that each library needs to be signed up before it can ship books.
A - 21
B - 5,822,900
C - 5,471,407
D - 4,815,395
E - 731,299
F - 1,832,294
Total Score: 18,673,316
File -> Project Structure -> Artifacts
In there, you can then create a new artifact by clicking the + icon. This will give you an option for the file type, which is .JAR and which modules you want to include in your artifact. When you're done, you go to..
Build -> Build Artifacts
And it will create the JAR file from your project.
Right click on Project -> Export -> JAR File -> Select the Java files to include
When you've done this, hit finish and you're golden. The tutorial also adds some additional tips in to make it as seamless as possible.
$ java -jar
a_example b_read_on c_incunabula d_tough_choices e_so_many_books f_libraries_of_the_world
- Görkem TAŞÇI @tascigorkem
- Furkan AKSIN @furkanaksin
- Onur ÇELİK @onurcelikeng
- Kadir Şinas KAYNAK @kadirsinas
from Garanti BBVA Technology HUB