Hey I'm Tanmay Bishnoi, a senior undergrad in Bachelor's of Engineering in Electrical Engineering (BEEE) at TMU (formerly Ryerson University). I'm interested in AI and Robotics, and want to pursue a future in machine intelligence, neurorobotics, and BCIs.
- data structures and algorithms
- digital systems
- computer networks
- CMOS VLSI (physical design)
- operating systems
- computer organisation and architecture
- linear algebra
- discrete maths
- calculus I & II
- control systems I
- probability and statistics I
- signals and systems I & II
- electromagnetics
- energy conversion
- digital communication systems
- optical communication systems
- intelligent systems (machine learning)
- intro to robotics
- intro to Deep Learning + Capstone (by Neuromatch Academy, online)
- fast.ai (by Jeremy Howard, online on fast.ai)
- intro to indian philosophy
- power, change and technology
- ancient greek philosophy
- religion, science, and philosophy
- intro to Computational Neuroscience + Capstone (by NeuroMatch Academy, online)
- neural data science (by Philipp Berens, University of Tübingen, online on Youtube)
- neuronal dynamics (by Wulfram Gerstner, EPFL, online on Edx)