This is operator plugin for vim-mode-plus.
Replace selected text with the result of stdout of execution.
So, you have to be very careful every time you use this command.
Don't set keymap if you are working in critical environment to avoid unwanted invocation.
) is not supported.
Register as member of transformers for TransformStringBySelectList
You have to restart Atom to make change take effect.
Three kinds of invocation.
- Keymap
- Command palette
- From select-list prompted by
No keymap by default. Set following keymap to in your keymap.cson
'atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus.normal-mode, atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus.visual-mode':
'f5': 'vim-mode-plus-user:replace-with-execution'
'shift-f5': 'vim-mode-plus-user:replace-with-execution-keep-original-text
or For specific grammar
- Github markdown
'atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus.normal-mode[data-grammar="source gfm"],
atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus.visual-mode[data-grammar="source gfm"]':
'f5': 'vim-mode-plus-user:replace-with-execution'
'shift-f5': 'vim-mode-plus-user:replace-with-execution-keep-original-text'