Generic Sysunite processors for Apache NiFi.
This processor creates flowfile content of a component-property value. Its input is a String given as value to static component-property called 'INPUT' and outputs the result to the succes-relation.
This processor is designed to create a REST call to an http-endpoint, based on a soap-envelope structure. The fetched data will be new flowfile contents and output its result to the success-relation.
This processor splits a String literal by a regex-match i.e. ';' and output the result to a custom relation. To make this possible, the user is allowed to create dynamic properties, which define a unique relation for every part of the string-split result to send to.
I.e. if the input is "Hello;World", then you can add component properties as follows: Where 'first_part' define the relation name, and '0' as value (which refers to part of the input that is split). You can connect a new component with relation 'firt_part'. Input for this component will be 'Hello'.
This processor uses Jcabi-parser to read an XML-file and depending of the value of the dynamic attributes defined by the user, there are a few options.
- If the value of the dynamic attribute has an intention to find an attribute of an xml-node, i.e. '/Node/@id' then that result of that match, will be saved as value of a flowfile attribute, which is put on the original flowfile. The attribute can later be retrieved by the dynamic property name. Original flowfile contents will not change.
- If the value of the dynamic attribute has an intention to find a node (or child node), i.e. '/Node/childNode', then that node is extracted and the original flowfile contents will be replaced for this result. In both cases, the result will be send to a relation that equals the dynamic property name it belongs too.