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The microsite for the music video "True", by Brightly.

🚨 Note: It's been a long time since this project was built, and the underlying technologies have changed. A lot. With the goal of keeping the spirit of this project alive, I've created a modern version, mostly by patching and noodling my way through already minified code. As a result, True works on modern devices, like mobile, but this repo is no longer reflective of the underlying code. You can find the Frankenstein's monster that is currently deployed here.

Getting started

  1. Run npm install (You'll need Node JS installed)
  2. Run bower install (If you don't have it, run npm install bower -g)
  3. Make sure you've got grunt (Install with npm install grunt-cli -g)
  4. If you get a compass error, run gem install compass

Fire it up

To serve locally, run grunt server.


To deploy to Rackspace, move example.rackspace.json to rackspace.json and update your credentials.

  • Make sure you've got gulp, using npm install gulp -g
  • Run gulp deploy to deploy the site without media
  • Run gulp deploy-all to deploy the site with media