Blocks in Drupal are instances of the block plugin.
The Drupal block manager scans your modules for any classes that contain a @Block Annotation.
The example snippet below makes use of the @Block annotation along with the properties "id" and "admin_label" to define a custom block.
Create the file src/Plugin/Block/SimpleCustomBlock.php
within the module skeleton created earlier and add the code below.
namespace Drupal\simple_custom_block\Plugin\Block;
use Drupal\Core\Block\BlockBase;
* Provides a Provides a simple custom block.
* @Block(
* id = "simple_custom_block",
* admin_label = @Translation("Simple Custom Block"),
* category = @Translation("Custom Block"),
* )
class SimpleCustomBlock extends BlockBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function build() {
return [
'#markup' => $this->t('Hello, World!'),
Note: After creating this file, clear the Drupal site cache in order to recognize this new class.
To add 'Hello block' you can go to Structure -> Block Layout (admin/structure/block
) and click on 'Place Block' button associated with each available region.
Clicking on 'Place Block' button for any given region a "Place Block" dialogue pop-up will appear, with a listing of all available blocks. To quickly find your block, simply use 'Filter by block name' option or use mouse-scroll to locate 'Hello block'. This way you can add any number of instances of the custom block anywhere on your site.
The class name and the file name must be the same (
class SimpleCustomBlock
). If the class name is different, the block will appear in the list of available blocks, however, you will not be able to add it. -
Be sure to double check all paths and filenames. Your .php file must be in the correctly labeled directory (
), otherwise it won't be discovered by Drupal. -
If your block fails to place in a region with no error on screen or in watchdog, check the PHP / Apache error logs.
If your block is not on the list, be sure to rebuild the Drupal caches (e.g.
drush cr
). -
Make sure your module's naming convention is all lowercase/underscores. Some users report blocks not showing for modules with camelCase naming convention. For example, myModule will never show defined blocks, while my_module will. This was last verified against Drupal 8.8.1
- Add a hook_theme in your .module file. Note: Do not name the theming function like 'block__...'. This will not pass any variables down to the twig templates. Instead, you might use the module name as prefix.
- Use
in the render array in the build method and pass the variables on the same level as the'#theme'
. - Example of build() function in SimpleCustomBlock.php to use variables and print them into a twig file.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function build() {
return [
'#theme' => 'simple_custom_block',
'#data' => ['age' => '31', 'DOB' => '2 May 2000'],
Module file: simple_custom_block.module
* Implements hook_theme().
function simple_custom_block_theme() {
return [
'simple_custom_block' => [
'variables' => [
'data' => [],
Template file: templates/custom-block.html.twig
{% for key,value in data %}
<strong>{{ key }}:</strong> {{ value }}<br>
{% endfor%}
Example of build() function in SimpleCustomBlock.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function build() {
$some_array = [
0 => [
'is_active' => 'active',
'label' => 'lorem ipsum',
'url' => '',
1 => [
'is_active' => 'inactive',
'label' => 'lorem ipsum',
'url' => '',
return [
'#theme' => 'simple_custom_block',
'#active_tab' => 'some_string',
'#body_text' => [
'#markup' => 'some_html_string',
'#tabs' => $some_array,
Module file: simple_custom_block.module
* Implements hook_theme().
function simple_custom_block_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path): array {
return [
'simple_custom_block' => [
'variables' => [
'active_tab' => NULL,
'body_text' => NULL,
'tabs' => [],
Template file: templates/custom-block.html.twig
<div{{ attributes }}>
<!-- tabs -->
{% for key,value in tabs %}
<a class="{{ value.is_active }}" href="{{ value.url }}">{{ value.label }}</a>
{% endfor%}
<!-- body -->
{{ body_text }}