PCRD-TW-webhook-crawler 將從超異域公主連結RE:DIVE 台灣官方網站進行爬蟲解析,抓取最新的公告並透過webhook發佈到Discord上
A crawler for mobile game "Princess Connect Re:Dive" announcements in Taiwan server, which can post the latest annoucement in discord embed block to discord channels via webhook.
- Python 3.8.0+ (https://www.python.org/)
- Additional library listed in requirements.txt
To run PCRD-TW-webhook-crawler, you need to install the library in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the file "pcrd_news.py", in
webhook_links = []
Insert your discord webhook link in string, like:
webhook_links = [ 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/.../...']
If you have more than one link, use comma to separate them
webhook_links = [ 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/.../...',
PCRD-TW-webhook-crawler can run with command:
python pcrd_news.py
python3 pcrd_news.py
You can also use the VBScript in this project to setup daily scheule in Windows.
First, in pcrd_news_crawler.bat, replace YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER_PATH
with your abosulte path of project folder
python pcrd_news.py
REM pause
Second, in launch_bat.vbs, do the same action to YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER_PATH\pcrd_news_crawler.bat
remember do not replace \pcrd_news_crawler.bat
Third, Press Windows + R
, and type “taskschd.msc“ to open Task Scheduler.
In Triggers tab, set when the task will start, the news usually updated at 12:00 and 17:00 (UTC+08:00) during the week.
In Actions tab, create a new action, start a program with your launch_bat.vbs
Done, keep the machine power on, wait the webhook notification.