Formik Formik is a React library for building forms with ease, providing features like form validation, handling of form submission, and managing form state.
#Table of Contents Introduction Features Installation Usage Contributing License Introduction Provide a brief introduction to your project, explaining what it does and why it's useful.
Features List the key features of your project. For example:
Feature 1 Feature 2 ... #Installation To use Formik in your project, you need to install it along with any necessary dependencies. You can install Formik via npm or yarn:
- npm install formik or yarn add formik
Additionally, you might want to install Yup for schema validation:
2.npm install yup or yarn add yup
#Usage Explain how to use your project, including code examples or a quick start guide.
npm start Contributing Provide guidelines for others who want to contribute to your project. Include information on how to submit bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.