Server runs on port 6767, it connects to mapbox api with given MAPBOX_TOKEN and via this api provides following routes
- create own .env file with MAPBOX_TOKEN (from
// .env
MAPBOX_TOKEN={your token here}
- install nodemon globally
npm i -g nodemon
- install dependencies
npm install
Retrieves and saves locally all tiles defined by bounding box set in the url query expressed in lon/lat value
query params: n = north edge e = east edge w = west edge s = south edge z = zoom level as in mapbox (0-21) t = type of map ( for example satellite, terrain-rgb)
example of query: http://localhost:6767/mapbox?n=28.61&e=-16.11&s=27.99&w=-16.93&z=2&t=terrain-rgb
Files are saved in ./assets directory.
Stitches together given tiles ands saves stiched file as a one texture
NOTE: /mapbox route neeeds to be called first to save the tiles)
query params: type = satellite or terrain-rgb (and other accepted mapbox types) zoom = number, typically 0-21 describing zoom level
example of query: http://localhost:6767/texture?type=terrain-rgb&zoom=2
File is saved in ./assets directory.