Stephen M. Town, Katarina C. Poole, Katherine C. Wood and Jennifer K. Bizley
Ear Institute, University College London, London, UK.
The full report is included with this repository as a pdf, or you can find behind at the Journal of Neuroscience (paywalled).
Most of the major analyses of the effects of auditory cortical inactivation are outlied in specific notebooks (links to pdfs for browser, but Rmarkdown files are available in the same directories and best viewed in Rstudio):
- Vowel discrimination in clean vs. noisy conditions
- Spatial separation of vowel and noise
- Sound localization
Look in the Results directory for code for deducing outcomes and visualizing data in each part of the study. For more info on how to generate the sounds used in the study, see the readMe on Stimuli. For code related to behavioral testing, check out the repository for our data acquisition software GoFerret.
Summary data files are included as part of the repository. Clone and use the results to go further!