You need to have ruby installed and to be added to your windows' PATH variables
Also you need to install sass
gem install sass
The v0.0.1 uses CSS source maps, that's why compass v1.0.0.alpha.19 is needed. To install this version you need to run
gem install compass --pre
if you don't need to have CSS source maps you can just install the stable version of Compass, but you need to remove the 'sourcemaps' option from your GruntFile into the compass task
gem install compass
First you need to download load all the node depend modules using the node package manager(npm)
npm install
Just run
Feel free to change:
- the .scss files under the scss folder, compiled to css/main.css file
- the .coffee files under the coffeescript folder, compiled to js/coffee-main.js file
- the .js files under the js folder, compiled to js/scripts.min.js file
- add as more .png files under your * 'img/my-icons/' * folder
- make sprites.scss load on 'my-icons' files' change
- add autoprefixer support
Free Software, Hell Yeah!