Google decided a long time ago to dicontinue the chart api. After the announcment we also stopped working on the API. However, we think that the code and some ideas are still relevant. After Google announced to shut down Google Code we moved the project to GitHub.
Automatically exported from
Java Library for the Google Chart API. It supports developers generating chart URLs within the java environment via an intuitive API. Currently most1 features of the google API are supported and it is easily expandable to match own requirements.
- Supports most features of the [ Google Chart API]
- As a wrapper, it creates the URL for the request to the [ Google Chart API] while hiding the details of creating the URL parameters that are necessary
- Written in Java
- Easy to use
- Only the jar and an Internet connection is required for generating charts
- Well [ documented]
- Open Source - BSD License
==Documentation & Examples== We continue to work on the documentation of the project. Most implementation details are documented in the [ javadoc] of the project. Furthermore, a growing list of wiki sites contains simple and extended examples how to use the API.
- PieChartExample - wiki page explaining the use of the PieChart with many examples
- [ Javadoc]
==Chart Gallery with Code Examples==
1The team is currently developing version 1.1 which will support features added to the google chart api after the release of version 1.0.