This project showcases an application of blockchain technology, built on the Hyperledger Fabric platform, aimed at redefining how we view supply chain management in the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) landscape. The solution offers a decentralized, transparent and efficient system to manage various stages of a supply chain process. The main focus is on the transparency of the data processed by the Manufacturer-Owner of a business, regarding products, orders and shipments, with the aim of traceability of changes in them.
Our data comes from the Apache OFBiz test dataset. Using an SQL explorer, we can extract the selected data we need. Specifically, we extract the tables PRODUCT, INVENTORY_ITEM, ORDER_HEADER, ORDER_ITEM, SHIPMENT, SHIPMENT_ITEM. The JSON files of the above tables are included here to facilitate user testing of the application. In case we want to explore the database of Apache OFBiz, below is the connection profile that allows us to connect from RazorSQL to the database of Apache OFBiz, through a JDBC driver. Accordingly, we can connect another SQL explorer to our ERP system.
The stakeholders that are available on the system are five: Producer, Manufacturer (Owner of the business), Distributor, Retailer and Consumer. For our use case we focus on the order process of some items from the Manufacturer-Owner.
- Five Orgs (Producer / Manufacturer / Distributor / Retailer / Consumer)
- 2 Peers of type Producer, 1 Peer of type Manufacturer, 1 Peer of type Distributor, 2 Peers of type Retailer, 2 Peers of type Consumer
- One Orderer
- One Channel
- Five Certificate Authorities
Navigate to /src that we're using as the working directory.
As an operating system, we're using Ubuntu 23.04.
Install the latest version of cURL if it is not already installed:
sudo apt-get install curl
Install Golang 1.14.15:
Then follow the instructions at for Golang installation
Install the latest version of Docker if it is not already installed:
sudo apt-get -y install docker-compose
Make sure the Docker daemon is running:
sudo systemctl start docker
If you want the Docker daemon to start when the system starts, use the following:
sudo systemctl enable docker
Add your user to the Docker group:
sudo usermod -a -G docker <username>
Hyperledger Fabric
mkdir -p $HOME/hyperledger-fabric
Get the install script:
curl -sSLO && chmod +x
Pull the Docker containers and binaries:
./ docker --fabric-version 1.4.12 binary
Node.js and NPM
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
Navigate to the main directory (~/src/ and execute:
./ && ./
to clear the Docker containers and network
export CHANNEL_NAME=supplychainchannel ; export $(xargs <.env) ; export DOCKER_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=120 ; export COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=120 ; source ~/.bashrc ; ./ up
to start the blockchain network
Navigate to the client directory (~/src/ and execute:
npm install
to install the required packages
npm start
to start the client
Navigate to the server directory (~/src/ and execute:
node app.js
Then you can navigate to http://localhost:3000 to login as an admin with Username: admin and Password: adminpw
You can continue with creating a user that will be able to use the application's functions.