This distribution contains the stylesheets, building tools and documentation necessary to work with XML version of the NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles using the DocBook XML DTD.
For installation please see the file INSTALL. Additional information can be found in the docs/ subdirectory also hosted here.
README this file
INSTALL quick installation instructions
VERSION the version number of the distribution
WhatsNew Changes since the last release
build.bat Win32 script file used to build the web-site and distribution Unix script file used to build the web-site and distribution
build.xml configuration file for draft editions
build-final.xml configuration file for final draft edition under IP-CaT silence procedure
build-release.xml configuration file for approved and releasable edition
build.targets [Generated - DO NOT MODIFY]
newbuild.xml configuration file used to create build.targets
uuid-build.xml configuration file used to create new UUID's
catalog.xml XML catalog of all DTDs used in this distribution contains user defined paramaters, which will affect the build.
Do not change the file, instead create the file
and modify the parameters as appropiate.
bin/ misc files used by the build system
docs/ documentation of this distribution
extra/ misc extra stuff
lib/ tools used to create the different targets
schema/ Misc schemas used by the tools package
src/ the XML sources for NISP
xdocs/ Markdown sources of the documentation
xsl/ XSLT stylesheets
If you wish to have further information on the NISP Interoperability Standards and Profiles, feel free to contact:
Mr. Hervé Radiguet E-Mail:
Mr Jens Stavnstrup (for technical matters related to this distribution) Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation Tel: + 45 - 728 14355 E-Mail: