Low level bindings for Node's readline
let options =
~input=[%raw "process.stdin"],
~output=[%raw "process.stdout"],
let readline = Readline.createInterface(options);
let yes = [%re "/yes|y/gi"];
let no = [%re "/no|n/gi"];
|. Readline.question("Is ReasonML and BuckleScript awesome? ", answer => {
switch (answer) {
| a when Js.Re.test(a, yes) => print_endline("You know it!")
| a when Js.Re.test(a, no) =>
print_endline("You need to revaluate your answer")
| a =>
print_endline({j| I don't have a variant for your answer 😦: $a |j})
then you can run the compiled JS file with Node:
npm i --save bs-node-readline
then add
Then add bs-node-readline
to bs-dependencies
in your bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["bs-node-readline"]
See example in example/example.re
. Follows the NodeJS API found here: https://nodejs.org/api/readline.html