Simple demo I have presented during RFID events in Italy.
See the following webinar hosted by me as reference:
The following setup might be a bit different than the one I have presented in the webinar (e.g. the filtering part is applied to the HTTP Post endpoint). However, source code and concepts are the same.
- Supported Readers FX7500, FX9600, ATR7000
- Firmware version 3.10.30 or above
- Reader connected to the same network of your local machine
- Create a new HTTP Post endpoint using FX Reader web console (ref:
- Use the following address: Your local machine IP (where you will run the web server) + ":3000/fx". E.g. ""
- Install Node.js in your local machine (ref:
- Open the terminal and move to the following path:
cd your_root_folder\demo-zebra-rfid-iot-connector\endpoint-http-post\
- Run the command
node http-server-app.js
- Using any HTTP Client (e.g. POSTMAN): Issue a PUT request to https://{reader-ip}/cloud/start and the reader will start sending events to your HTTP Server app.
- Create a new MQTT endpoint using FX Reader web console (ref:
- Use your local machine IP as Server Address. E.g. ""
- Default port is 1883.
- Setup topics as you prefer, I have used the following:
Endpoint | Topic |
Management Events | events |
Tag Data Events | data |
Management Command | mgmt/cmd |
ManagementResponse | mgmt/res |
Control Command | ctrl/cmd |
Control Response | ctrl/res |
- Install docker (installation guide:
- Open the terminal and move to the following path:
cd your_root_folder\demo-zebra-rfid-iot-connector\endpoint-mqtt\
- Run the command
docker compose up
- Using any MQTT Client (e.g. MQTTX): Send a command to your control command endpoint (e.g. ctrl/cmd) with the following payload:
"command": "start",
"command_id": "16266718797272556",
"payload": { }
- Reader will start sending events to your MQTT Server
- Using any FTP Client (e.g. FileZilla) connect to your reader (username: "rfidadm" and leave the password blank)
- Copy the file located in "your_root_folder\demo-zebra-rfid-iot-connector\embedded-filter-app" to reader's apps directory (formerly mnt/data)
- Open the terminal and connect to your reader via SSH as follow:
ssh rfidadm@YouReaderHostName
- Accept the certificate (if needed).
- Move to apps directory using linux commands and then run the following command:
node my-custom-filter.js
- From now, reader will send just tags matching the rule defined inside the scritp.