- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/sousablde/StackOverflow-Dev-Survey-Data-Analysis.git
- Compatible with Jupyter Notebook, Pycharm, Sagemaker or Watson Studio from the getgo
- Using Anaconda for library management
- Requires installation of SciKit-Learn
This dataset is a great example of how sometimes data science allows the discovery of many insights on data without having to go through data modelling. The modelling portion of the project ended up providing many of the same conclusions that had been achieved with just a descriptive approach.
- .gitignore for the purposes of keeping project size low
- ALookAtTheData.py and ALookAtTheDataSolns.py correspond to helper functions to test the project conclusions on the go
- StackOverflow Dev Survey results.ipynb notebook file where the data loading and analysis is performed and displayed
- SOLJ.png corresponds to the project icon