Spring Cloud Stream sample demonstrating stream integration with Kafka and Rabbit transports
This example shows how to run a Spring Cloud Stream application with two different binder types (Kafka and RabbitMQ)
The following instructions assume that you are running Kafka and RabbitMQ as a Docker images.
Go to the application root:
docker-compose up -d
This brings up both Kafka and RabbitMQ clusters in docker containers. Local ports mapped are 9092 and 5672 for Kafka and RabbitMQ respectively.
./mvnw clean package
The sample comes with a convenient test producer and consumer to see the processor in action. After running the program, watch your console, every second some data is sent to Kafka and it is received through RabbitMQ.
java -jar target/multibinder-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
You can also send data directly to Kafka topic:
docker exec -it kafka-multibinder /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --topic dataIn
Enter some text and verify it comes through the console output (test consumer)
You can also go the RabbitMQ UI: http:localhost:15672
Once you are done testing: docker-compose down