This project contains a few useful functions to manage your Quantum's instance
git clone
cd quantum_cli/
# if you use PIP
pip install -r requirements.txt
# if you use Anaconda
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate quantum_cli
You must provide your API Secret in order to use this tool.
You can set it using --secret
or setting an environment variable QUANTUM_SECRET
, for example adding this line to your .bashrc
export QUANTUM_SECRET=0220a22d27be69efffffffff54aa9840e5c4136e
usage: quantum_cli [-h] [--secret SECRET] [--csv] [--api-url API_URL]
Quantum Client Utility
positional arguments:
add Add profiles to a project
view-projects Show active projects
delete-project Delete a project including all profiles
limits Show account limits
users Show users on the account
posts Show posts that belongs to a profile (account)
view-profiles Show profiles (accounts) with statistics from a
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--secret SECRET set the api secret
--csv Switch output to CSV format
--api-url API_URL Change the default api url
You can use on your own programs.
IMPORTANT: this is beta code, the module API is been heavily developed and interfaces may change.
import os, quantum
# import imp
# imp.reload(quantum)
# reading secret from env
secret = os.environ.get('QUANTUM_SECRET')
api = quantum.API()
# profiles = api.view_profiles(23)
projects = api.list_projects()
# Sort projects by name
projects_sorted = sorted(projects, key=lambda project: project['name'])
for project in projects_sorted:
print(project['name'], project['id'])
posts = api.facebook_posts(24, '122531974426912', '2015-11-01', '2015-11-30', limit=5)
for post in posts['results']:
pages_stats = api.facebook_pages_stats(25, '2015-11-01', '2015-11-30', '179903722029183', '178297347303')
for stats in pages_stats['results']:
# invite a user to project(s)
api.invite_user('', 'Test', 'User', role='ANALYST', projects=[42, 43, 44])
# remove users from projects
users = api.users()
project_id = 43
user_ids = list(user['id'] for user in users if project_id in user['projectIds'])
for id in user_ids:
quantum_cli posts <project_id> <profile_id> <since> <until> [--limit]
quantum_cli posts 24 122531974426912 2015-11-01 2015-11-30 --limit 5
post_id created_time likes comments shares interactions engagement_rate campaign_id campaign_name
-------------------------------- ------------------------- ------- ---------- -------- -------------- ----------------- ------------- ---------------
122531974426912_1189775121035920 2015-11-30T20:41:00-02:00 37 1 2 40 0.000132063
122531974426912_1189773174369448 2015-11-30T17:37:01-02:00 45 1 6 52 0.000171682
122531974426912_1189747191038713 2015-11-30T10:43:00-02:00 192 24 104 320 0.0010565
122531974426912_1189779494368816 2015-11-29T18:12:00-02:00 691 59 134 884 0.00291859 549 Is Sponsored
122531974426912_1189594487720650 2015-11-30T11:13:00-02:00 286 12 65 363 0.00119847
Any command that outputs information, also accepts the parameter --csv
. Running the above command with this parameter will output:
quantum_cli --csv posts 24 122531974426912 2015-11-01 2015-11-30 --limit 5
122531974426912_1189779494368816,2015-11-29T18:12:00-02:00,691,59,134,884,0.0029185922,549,Is Sponsored