This is a work in progress. Therefore, please be patient as I continue iterating and figuring out a simple process for Lambda development. My overall goal is to craft a workflow using NodeJS that solves many of the basic problems every app needs.
I'm still in the process of perfecting this but so far here is my process.
Steps 1 - 4
[Create a method on your local computer] => [Create an API] => [Create a Resource (aka Endpoint)] => [Assign a Lambda function] => [Test]
- AWS Cloudwatch for measuring API / Lambda performance.
- AWS Kinesis for sending messages between different AWS services.
- NodeJS for AWS Lambda development.
- AWS API Gateway for endpoints (/users, /myaccount, /profile, etc).
- AWS S3 for versioning and storage.
- NPM Jake for automating bash scripts and awscli commands.
- AWS CodeCommit for private git repo.
- AWS IAM for Identity Management and Governance.
- app-01 is as good example of how to create NodeJS functions, package and upload them to AWS S3 so that you can then link them to AWS API Gateway as Lambda functions.
In progress
In progress