Sample project showing an application of Liferay Configuration API.
If you are a back-end developer, you will probably make a lot of components, like portlets or gogo commands. Sometimes you'll want some characteristics of a component to be configurable by a portal user, in a way he doesn't have to go into Java code to configure it. That's when Configuration API comes into play. With it, you can create a set of configurable values to be used in any component you want. You can also scope it by system (throughout the system), virtual instance (company), site (group), or portlet instance (if your component is a portlet). [talk more about scopes (?)]
In this project, we will create a module with a portlet as an example. It will be a welcome card with a configurable title, background color, and size. This configurations values will have the scope of system and portlet instance. [show two different photos of the portlet]
In practice, the configuration values scoped by system will serve only as default values for the portlet, as you can change them by setting portlet instance configurations per each instance.
The first step is to create an interface that specifies all the configuration variables, their respective types and their scope. The default scope is system.
This interface can be created anywhere in the module, but we've followed Liferay's pattern and put it on a folder called configuration with the name [portlet name]Configuration, in this case, it is WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration. [talk about categorization (?)]. You must use annotations from Meta class to indicate OSGI this interface is a specifying a configuration. To use this class, insert this line on your module's build.gradle
compile group: "biz.aQute.bnd", name: "biz.aQute.bndlib"
compileOnly group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.portal.configuration.metatype.api"
You also need to add this line to bnd.bnd so bnd knows your module is using configurations.
-metatype: *
id = "com.liferay.simplify.configuration.api.sample.configuration.WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration",
name = "welcome-card-portlet-configuration"
public interface WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration {
Where you set some properties of your configuration in general. The most important one is id. It is used by OSGI to identify your configuration. You should always use the interface's package plus its name preceded by a dot as your id.
deflt = "blue",
required = false
public String backgroundColor();
Specifies the properties of a configuration field. The interface method specifies the field itself, being its type the same as the return type of the method. In our case, we have the configuration fields of String type. deflt specifies the default value.
This annotation has various properties and you can see what each annotation attribute means by inspecting the aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Meta
Now that you've created your interface, Liferay will automatically generate an UI where you can set these configuration variables, you only need to deploy this module. After deploying it, go to Control Panel > System Settings > Third Party > welcome-card-portlet-configuration. [talk about (?)].
Here you can configure variables to be used throughout the system. But as we need portlet scoped variables, these system values will be used only as default values for newly created portlets.
Using the configuration inside the portlet is very easy. You just need to indicate OSGI which configuration your component is using, by adding configurationPid = "<configuration id>",
to the @Component annotation, like this
configurationPid = "com.liferay.simplify.configuration.api.sample.configuration.WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration",
then you need to create a configuration instance when the component is activating. Add this method and field to the class
protected void activate(Map<Object, Object> properties) {
_welcomeCardPortletConfiguration = ConfigurableUtil.createConfigurable(
WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration.class, properties);
private volatile WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration;
The @Activate
annotation indicates this method will run when the component is starting. The @Modified
makes this method be called each time any configuration value changes, so your component will always be up to date. _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration
must be volatile to avoid some multithreading related problems.
Notice that these steps can be applied to any class with a component annotation (an OSGI component), not just a portlet.
To test if we can use our configuration values inside the portlet, paste this method inside it
public void render(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse)
throws IOException, PortletException {
super.render(renderRequest, renderResponse);
and see if it logs our default configuration values
Our configuration values are ready to be passed to the portlet's view.jsp. Explaining how the welcome card view.jsp works is outside the scope of this project.
Now we will create a configuration UI that is accessible by any portlet instance. For that, we need to create a component class that extends DefaultConfigurationAction
and reference our portlet. We reference the portlet on the component annotation with the property
, like this
immediate = true,
property = {
"" + WelcomeCardPortletKeys.WELCOMECARD
service = ConfigurationAction.class
public class WelcomeCardConfigurationAction extends DefaultConfigurationAction {
This class is responsible for making the connection between the portlet and the configuration, creating the configuration UI and handling its form submission. There are two main methods that you may want to override. The first one is include
public void include(PortletConfig portletConfig, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws Exception {
It is used to include some values to the configuration JSP before rendering it. For now, we will leave that empty.
The other method is processAction
. This one is used to handle the configuration form submission. Our configuration values scoped by portlet instance will be saved on each portlet instance's preference (a place where you can store values for each portlet instance). Saving values on the portlet preference is very straightforward
public void processAction(
PortletConfig portletConfig, ActionRequest actionRequest,
ActionResponse actionResponse)
throws Exception {
// first you get the values from the request
String title = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "title");
String backgroundColor = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "backgroundColor");
String size = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "size");
// then you save them
setPreference(actionRequest, "title", title);
setPreference(actionRequest, "backgroundColor", backgroundColor);
setPreference(actionRequest, "size", size);
super.processAction(portletConfig, actionRequest, actionResponse);
The connection between the configuration action and the portlet is ready. If you go into portlet options > Configuration
you will see the error ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-3][PortletConfigurationPortlet:688] /configuration.jsp
. That is because Liferay is trying to render your configuration UI looking for a JSP in the default path, which is resources/META-INF/resources/configuration.jsp
Now we only need to create this file with our configuration form. It is basically a form that receives our configurations values from the user and submits them to our configuration action. At the start of the JSP, we retrieve the current configuration values from the portlet preferences, in case the user had already submitted this form. The second argument of the method portletPreferences.getValue
is the value to return if the preference is empty (default value). This JSP is the minimum you need to make our portlet instance configuration works
<%@ include file="./init.jsp" %>
<%@page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Constants"%>
// getting current preference values or defaults
String defaultTitle = "welcome";
String title = portletPreferences.getValue("title", defaultTitle);
String defaultBackgroundColor = "blue";
String backgroundColor = portletPreferences.getValue("backgroundColor", defaultBackgroundColor);
String defaultSize = "medium";
String size = portletPreferences.getValue("size", defaultSize);
<!-- Our configuration action URL -->
<liferay-portlet:actionURL portletConfiguration="<%= true %>" var="configurationActionURL" />
<!-- URL to redirect to after the form is submitted -->
<liferay-portlet:renderURL portletConfiguration="<%= true %>" var="configurationRenderURL" />
action="<%= configurationActionURL %>"
Configuration values inputs
Notice that the input names must be the same as those
used to retrieve its values on the configuration action
<aui:input name="title" value="<%= title %>" />
<aui:select label="background-color" name="backgroundColor">
<aui:option label="select-a-background-color" selected="true" value="" />
<aui:option label="white" selected="<%= "white".equals(backgroundColor) %>" value="white" />
<aui:option label="blue" selected="<%= "blue".equals(backgroundColor) %>" value="blue" />
<aui:option label="red" selected="<%= "red".equals(backgroundColor) %>" value="red" />
<aui:select label="size" name="size">
<aui:option label="select-a-size" selected="true" value="" />
<aui:option label="small" selected="<%= "small".equals(size) %>" value="small" />
<aui:option label="medium" selected="<%= "medium".equals(size) %>" value="medium" />
<aui:option label="large" selected="<%= "large".equals(size) %>" value="large" />
<!-- Hidden inputs used internally by Liferay -->
<aui:input name="<%= Constants.CMD %>" type="hidden" value="<%= Constants.UPDATE %>"/>
<aui:input name="redirect" type="hidden" value="<%= configurationRenderURL %>" />
<aui:button type="submit">Submit</aui:button>
To make the form a bit more user friendly, add <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-frontend" %>
line to init.jsp
and change the configuration.jsp to this
<%@ include file="./init.jsp" %>
<%@page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Constants"%>
<!-- Our configuration action URL -->
<liferay-portlet:actionURL portletConfiguration="<%= true %>" var="configurationActionURL" />
<!-- URL to redirect to after the form is submitted -->
<liferay-portlet:renderURL portletConfiguration="<%= true %>" var="configurationRenderURL" />
action="<%= configurationActionURL %>"
<liferay-frontend:fieldset-group markupView="lexicon">
Configuration values inputs
Notice that the input names must be the same as those
used to retrieve its values on the configuration action
<aui:input name="title" value="<%= title %>" />
<aui:select label="background-color" name="backgroundColor">
<aui:option label="select-a-background-color" selected="true" value="" />
<aui:option label="white" selected="<%= "white".equals(backgroundColor) %>" value="white" />
<aui:option label="blue" selected="<%= "blue".equals(backgroundColor) %>" value="blue" />
<aui:option label="red" selected="<%= "red".equals(backgroundColor) %>" value="red" />
<aui:select label="size" name="size">
<aui:option label="select-a-size" selected="true" value="" />
<aui:option label="small" selected="<%= "small".equals(size) %>" value="small" />
<aui:option label="medium" selected="<%= "medium".equals(size) %>" value="medium" />
<aui:option label="large" selected="<%= "large".equals(size) %>" value="large" />
<!-- Hidden inputs used internally by Liferay -->
<aui:input name="<%= Constants.CMD %>" type="hidden" value="<%= Constants.UPDATE %>"/>
<aui:input name="redirect" type="hidden" value="<%= configurationRenderURL %>" />
<aui:button type="submit" />
<aui:button type="cancel" />
You can access the previously created portlet configurations the same way we did on the configuration JSP, using the portlet preferences
public void render(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse)
throws IOException, PortletException {
PortletPreferences portletPreferences = renderRequest.getPreferences();
String title = portletPreferences.getValue("title", "");
String backgroundColor = portletPreferences.getValue("backgroundColor", "");
String size = portletPreferences.getValue("size", "");
size = formatSize(size);
renderRequest.setAttribute("title", title);
renderRequest.setAttribute("backgroundColor", backgroundColor);
renderRequest.setAttribute("size", size);
super.render(renderRequest, renderResponse);
Note that we retrieve values from preference both in configuration JSP and at the portlet render method. To avoid duplicated code, we will put this part on the init.jsp
, as both configuration.jsp and the portlet view.jsp includes it. init.jsp
changes to this this
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="aui" %><%@
taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-portlet" %><%@
taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-theme" %><%@
taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-ui" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-frontend" %>
<liferay-theme:defineObjects />
<portlet:defineObjects />
// getting current preference values or defaults
String defaultTitle = "welcome";
String title = portletPreferences.getValue("title", defaultTitle);
String defaultBackgroundColor = "blue";
String backgroundColor = portletPreferences.getValue("backgroundColor", defaultBackgroundColor);
String defaultSize = "medium";
String size = portletPreferences.getValue("size", defaultSize);
and we can now remove the code to retrieve preference values on the portlet render method.
We created the system settings configuration at the start of the project to be used as the default configuration values to our Welcome Card portlets. To accomplish this, we need to change the two parts of the project where we get our preference values. The first part is at the configuration JSP, the configuration.jsp file. Change the java code at the start to this
WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration =
(WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration) request.getAttribute(WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration.class.getName());
// getting current preference values or defaults
String defaultTitle = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.title();
String title = portletPreferences.getValue("title", defaultTitle);
String defaultBackgroundColor = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.backgroundColor();
String backgroundColor = portletPreferences.getValue("backgroundColor", defaultBackgroundColor);
String defaultSize = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.size();
String size = portletPreferences.getValue("size", defaultSize);
now we are retrieving the default values from the system settings configuration. Note that this code is expecting the configuration to be passed on the request, so we need to pass it at the configuration action. Change the configuration action to
package com.liferay.simplify.configuration.api.sample.configuration;
import com.liferay.portal.configuration.metatype.bnd.util.ConfigurableUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.ConfigurationAction;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.DefaultConfigurationAction;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ParamUtil;
import com.liferay.simplify.configuration.api.sample.constants.WelcomeCardPortletKeys;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ConfigurationPolicy;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Modified;
* Class to include parameters in the configuration JSP and handle
* the form submission
// Add this line to use the configuration
configurationPid = "com.liferay.simplify.configuration.api.sample.configuration.WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration",
configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.OPTIONAL, immediate = true,
property = {
// makes the connection between this action and the portlet
"" + WelcomeCardPortletKeys.WELCOMECARD
service = ConfigurationAction.class
public class WelcomeCardConfigurationAction extends DefaultConfigurationAction {
public void processAction(
PortletConfig portletConfig, ActionRequest actionRequest,
ActionResponse actionResponse)
throws Exception {
// first you get the values from the request
String title = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "title");
String backgroundColor = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "backgroundColor");
String size = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "size");
// then you save them
setPreference(actionRequest, "title", title);
setPreference(actionRequest, "backgroundColor", backgroundColor);
setPreference(actionRequest, "size", size);
super.processAction(portletConfig, actionRequest, actionResponse);
public void include(PortletConfig portletConfig, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws Exception {
// pass the configuration to configuration.jsp
super.include(portletConfig, httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse);
* The method used to instantiate our configuration field
protected void activate(Map<Object, Object> properties) {
_welcomeCardPortletConfiguration = ConfigurableUtil.createConfigurable(
WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration.class, properties);
* Field used to access configuration values
private volatile WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration;
We will do the same on our Welcome Card portlet. First, get the configuration on view.jsp
<%@page import="com.liferay.simplify.configuration.api.sample.configuration.WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration"%>
<%@ include file="./init.jsp" %>
WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration =
(WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration) request.getAttribute(WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration.class.getName());
// getting current preference values or defaults
String defaultTitle = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.title();
String title = portletPreferences.getValue("title", defaultTitle);
String defaultBackgroundColor = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.backgroundColor();
String backgroundColor = portletPreferences.getValue("backgroundColor", defaultBackgroundColor);
String defaultSize = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.size();
String size = portletPreferences.getValue("size", defaultSize);
<div class="welcome-card">
<div class="welcome-card-wrapper ${size} bg-${backgroundColor}">
and pass the configuration to view.jsp
on the render method
public void render(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse)
throws IOException, PortletException {
// pass the configuration to view.jsp
super.render(renderRequest, renderResponse);
The functionality is complete now. To improve it a bit more, we can avoid duplicate code by copying the code to retrieve the preference values to init.jsp
, as both view.jsp
and configuration.jsp
includes it. Remove this part from view.jsp
and configuration.jsp
WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration =
(WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration) request.getAttribute(WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration.class.getName());
// getting current preference values or defaults
String defaultTitle = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.title();
String title = portletPreferences.getValue("title", defaultTitle);
String defaultBackgroundColor = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.backgroundColor();
String backgroundColor = portletPreferences.getValue("backgroundColor", defaultBackgroundColor);
String defaultSize = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.size();
String size = portletPreferences.getValue("size", defaultSize);
and add this to ìnit.jsp
WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration =
(WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration) request.getAttribute(WelcomeCardPortletConfiguration.class.getName());
String title, backgroundColor, size;
if (_welcomeCardPortletConfiguration != null) {
// getting current preference values or defaults
String defaultTitle = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.title();
title = portletPreferences.getValue("title", defaultTitle);
String defaultBackgroundColor = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.backgroundColor();
backgroundColor = portletPreferences.getValue("backgroundColor", defaultBackgroundColor);
String defaultSize = _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration.size();
size = portletPreferences.getValue("size", defaultSize);
As init.jsp
is included by all JSP, we need to make sure _welcomeCardPortletConfiguration
exists, before using it.