Maglev (maglev
) is a versatile remote connection Swiss Army Knife programmed in Go. Maglev can currently successfully act as a client and a listener, accept the transfer of commands as payload, and support TLS connections. Right now, maglev
is still in development for additional features concerning remote access.
Usage: ./maglev [OPTION1] [ARGUMENT1] ... [OPTIONn] [ARGUMENTn]
-h, Shows help menu for this command
-l, Sets up listener for a specified port
--shell, spawns a specified shell supporting the -c argument
--tls, use Transport Layer Security (TLS) protection
-c, Connects to a device based on a specified address and port
--payload, spawns a specified shell supporting the -c argument
./maglev -h
./maglev -l <PORT> --tls <KEY> <CERT>
./maglev -l <PORT> --shell <SHELL>
./maglev -l <PORT> --shell <SHELL> --tls <KEY> <CERT>
./maglev -c <IP> <PORT>
./maglev -l 1234
./maglev -l 1234 --shell /usr/bin/python3
./maglev -c 1234
./maglev -c 1234 --payload "whoami"