This extension is ready for beta testing.
A Spree extension for allowing customer to subscribe to a product(s), have it periodically sent to him/her, and manage that subscription.
Add this to your Gemfile
gem "spree_subscribe", github: "onedanshow/spree-subscribe", branch: '2-0-beta'
Install the database migrations
rake spree_subscribe:install:migrations
Setup a cron job to run this rake task every night
rake spree_subscribe:reorders:create
- Update Product#show javascript to show subscription price when subscription interval is selected
- Create Spree::SubscriptionsController and views for edit and update actions for the customer
- Email customers when a re-order is shipped?
- Extend Spree API to handle subscriptions?
- Move Intervalable#time_title to a helper so can use time_unit_symbol to pull from localization
- Extend Spree::Admin::SubscriptionsController to include filtering and sorting
- For a reorder, if a shipping method is no longer available, select the cheapest.
Be sure to bundle your dependencies and then create a dummy test app for the specs to run against.
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rake test_app
$ bundle exec rspec spec
Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Dixon, released under the New BSD License
If you find a security issue with this extension, please contact me directly ( Do NOT post it publicly to the GitHub issues for this repo. I will be happy to work with you to resolve the issue. For further information, please see: