- ****(DONE) Reset unwanted rows when re-run the script all over again
- ****(DONE) Fillter by target release => ('ALL', 'all', '' for all bugs) or (4.3.0, 4.4.0 ... per target) ****(DONE)sub task -> try to see if we can make it interactive - we can't, put sheet build filter.
- ****(DONE) Make another tabs(sheets) to other pillars: CNF, EcoSystem, Managment
- ****(DONE) Make all the bugs to be in status: NEW, MODIFIED, POST, ASSIGNED and not on ON_QA
- ****(DONE)Filltering by name of QA contact - need to discuss if a listener is an option
- ****(DONE) Add column 'Assignee' => pay attention that this column changed to 'QA contact'
- ****(DONE) Sort by PM score - we disabled this feature, now we need it back
- ****(Half Done) Enable the statistics functions and delete redundant ones - Fields missed: verification rate, defect bug
- ****(DONE) Target Release Column added to the sheets - filter by this column.
- ****(Half-DONE) Remove irrelevant code