Clone the source code
git clone
Get the latest code
git pull
Build the container
sudo docker build -t hummingbird:1.0.3 .
Tag the container
docker tag hummingbird:1.0.3 pradeeban/hummingbird:1.0.3
Log in to Docker and push the container
docker login
docker push pradeeban/hummingbird:1.0.3
Choose region N. Virginia (us-east-1) at Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS).
Define an AWS policy (hummingbirds3):
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "*"
The AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy is pre-defined as below:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
Define the task:
Follow the task_definition.json in defining the task.
Define the cluster:
Create a cluster as a service, using the defined task.
Choose "Capacity Provider Strategy"
Use "Fargate" as the capacity provider.
Platform Version: Latest
Deployment Configuration: Service
Task Definition: hummingbird (defined above), Revision, latest.
Service name: Any string
Service type: Replica
Desired Tasks: 1
Deployment options: Leave the default values (Rolling update)
Deployment failure detection
Use the Amazon ECS deployment circuit breaker? Yes
Rollback on failures? Yes
Turn on Service Connect.
Choose "Client and Server"
Choose a namespace (hummingbird)
Add port mappings and applications (hummingbird-80-tcp, hummingbird, hummingbird, 80)
Use log collection (Amazon Cloud Watch)
Networking: Choose the default VPC
Create a new security group. Security group name: hummingbird Description: allow80
Turn on Public IP.
Allow "HTTP" (port 80) traffic from anywhere for inbound traffic.
Load balancer: Application Load Balancer.
Create a new load balancer.
Load balancer name: hummingbird
container to load balance: (choose hummingbird 80:80)
Listener: (Choose "Create new listener") Port: 80 Target group name: hummingbird Everyone else left default
Service autoscaling: (Select "Use service autoscaling")
Minimum number of tasks: 1 Maximum number of tasks: 3
Choose Target Tracking
Policy Name: hummingbird
ECS service metric: ECSServiceAverageMemoryUtilization
Target Value: 70
Scale-out cooldown period: 300
Scale-in cooldown period: 300
Tags are optional and can be ignored.
Start the service. Once it successfully, started, confirm that by going to the public IP address from your browser.
The public IP address can be found from the cluster > service > Task.
The public IP address should show the hummingbird home page.
Replace the urls to be the public urls of the deployed fargate service in
Run the
Now you can check the logs from CloudWatch, as defined in the service definition.
To test the server container separately (instead of going through the steps above to deploy it on ECS), you can run it locally or on a server, stand-alone.
nohup sudo docker run --name hummingbird -p 80:80 pradeeban/hummingbird:1.0.3 > hummingbird.out &
Then change the url of the client to point to this server url, and rerun the as above.