First, download our repo and then enter our repo
cd DiffuseExpand
For environmental establishment, we include .yaml
If you have an RTX 30XX GPU (or newer), run
conda env create -f requirements_11_3.yaml
If you have an RTX 20XX GPU (or older), run
conda env create -f requirements_10_2.yaml
You can then activate your conda environment with
conda activate diffuseexpand
The datasets used in our work are COVID-19 and CGMH Pelvis, please download them from the website and remember the path to the corresponding dataset:
We used 8 Tesla A100 GPU for the experiment, with a batchsize of 2 on each Tesla A100 GPU. For COVID-19, we run
mkdir ./stage2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python --dataset COVID19 \
--data_path /path/to/covid-chestxray-dataset/image --csv_path /path/to/covid-chestxray-dataset/metadata.csv \
--save_path ./stage2 --unet_ckpt_path ./ --cuda_devices 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
After that, we can get ./stage2/
For CGMH Pelvis, the first step is to change the name of the checkpoint to model_stage2_cgmh_{self.resume_step + self.step}.pt
in utils/ 219
. Then, we run
mkdir ./stage2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python --dataset CGMH \
--data_path /path/to/CGMH_PelvisSegment \
--save_path ./stage2 --unet_ckpt_path ./ --cuda_devices 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
After that, we can get ./stage2/
We used 2 Tesla A100 GPU for the experiment, with a batchsize of 8 on each Tesla A100 GPU. For COVID-19, we run
mkdir ./stage3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --dataset COVID19 \
--data_path /path/to/covid-chestxray-dataset/image --csv_path /path/to/covid-chestxray-dataset/metadata.csv \
--save_path ./stage3 --cuda_devices 0,1
After that, we can get ./stage3/
For CGMH Pelvis, the first step is to change the name of the checkpoint to stage3_cgmh_model_{step}.pt
in 355
. Then, we run
mkdir ./stage3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --dataset CGMH \
--data_path /path/to/CGMH_PelvisSegment \
--save_path ./stage3 --cuda_devices 0,1
After that, we can get ./stage3/
For synthesizing Image-Mask pairs with COVID-19, we run
mkdir ./stage3_covid19
python --save_path ./stage3_covid19 --dpm-checkpoint ./stage2/ \
--cls-checkpoint ./stage3/ --synthesize-number 500
After that, we can get synthesized sample pairs in the folder ./stage3_covid19
For synthesizing Image-Mask pairs with CGMH Pelvis, we run
mkdir ./stage3_cgmh
python --save_path ./stage3_cgmh --dpm-checkpoint ./stage2/ \
--cls-checkpoint ./stage3/ --synthesize-number 500
After that, we can get synthesized sample pairs in the folder ./stage3_cgmh
Before proceeding to Stage IV, two additional things need to be done: first, train a unet using
and save its corresponding checkpoint, and second, synthesize enough samples pairs at Stage III to facilitate the selection of high-quality sample pairs.
Then for COVID-19, we can run
mkdir ./stage4_covid19
python --unet-checkpoint /path/to/unet/checkpoint --stage3-output ./stage3_covid19 \
--stage4-output ./stage4_covid19
And for CGMH Pelvis, we can run
mkdir ./stage4_cgmh
python --unet-checkpoint /path/to/unet/checkpoint --stage3-output ./stage3_cgmh \
--stage4-output ./stage4_cgmh
For COVID-19, we can run
python --dataset=COVID19 --loss_type sigmoid_l1 --model=Unet --train_epochs=50 \
--generate_data_path ./stage4_covid19 \
--data_path /path/to/covid-chestxray-dataset/image --csv_path /path/to/covid-chestxray-dataset/metadata.csv \
And for CGMH Pelvis, we can run
python --dataset=CGMH --loss_type sigmoid_l1 --model=Unet --train_epochs=50 \
--generate_data_path ./stage4_cgmh \
--data_path /path/to/CGMH_PelvisSegment \