Configuration File Templates for all files
"expected_resonances":[floats], #GHz
"electrical_delay":float, #ns
"IF_bandwidth":int, #KHz
for example
"expected_resonances":[5.456, 6.12],
"instr_config": {}
for example
"instr_uid": "RS_LO",
"instr_name": "Rohde&Schwarz RF Source",
"instr_config": {"interface":"TCPIP","address":"","startup":"Get config")}
At Zero Flux
Find Resonances through Interfacing with VNA
to fit the resonances and record the stats -
Take a Power Sweep with VNA and DA for each resonance and record the power at which the resonance goes non-linear and power required for 1 photon
Check for flux tunability through VNA and SMU
Take a flux sweep with VNA and SMU
Fit the flux curve and extract parameters of interest
- Check for QP trapping (i.e. Multiple Lorentzian peaks test)
- Power Sweep at finite flux
- Test for QP clearing using an LO, VNA and SMU (i.e. sharpening of resonance)