A complete full-stack course management system. This is a very similar website to Udemy / Coursera.
Username: student
Password: studentPa$$
Username: demo
Password: demoPa$$
- Register, Login, Email Verify, Forgot Password etc
- Profile, Dashboard ( Admin Dashboard and User Dashboard are separate and different )
- Add, Update, Delete Course + Course Module + Course Content + Additional Documents
- Enroll Course, Watch course content, read course material
- Payment, Order management
- WYSIWYG editor for description field.
- Making dashboard responsive.
- Managing State
- Securely Email sending with Nodemailer, SMTP, Gmail, and OAuth2.
- Managing the MongoDB ( Because of multiple one-to-one, one-to-many relation ).
- Writing Clean Code + Maintaining folder structure.
- Nodemailer.
- Writing clean code.