- [Download Ext JS 6] (https://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/evaluate/)
- [Download Sencha Cmd 6] (https://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/cmd-download/)
- [Download Sencha Inspector Beta] (http://pages.sencha.com/Inspector-Beta.html)
- Create a workspace
sencha -sdk {path/to/Ext-JS-SDK} generate workspace theming-workspace
cd theming-workspace/
Fork/Clone/Download Feed Viewer sample application on this github page and unzip it in theming-workspace
Build the Feed Viewer sample application
cd theming-contest-master
delete directory .sencha/workspace (to use theming-workspace)
sencha app build development
Start web server and watch changes
For feedviewer app using classic toolkit, run
sencha app watch classic
For feedviewer app using modern toolkit, run
sencha app watch modern
View the Feedviewer sample app in browser with platform tag. It will show view with classic toolkit
- To view the modern toolkit based view, in Chrome developer tools, toggle device mode icon and select mobile phone
Follow steps in the document: http://docs.sencha.com/tools/sencha_inspector/inspecting_desktop_applications.html
One quick way to inspect your Feedviewer sample app is to use bookmarklet. To add bookmarklet in your browser,
- Open Inspector app, click on the button "Quick connect an app with Bookmarklet"
- Drag the blue "Sencha Inspector bookmarklet" button to your browser bookmarks bar
- Now open feedviewer sample app in your browser and click on the bookmarklet in bookmarks bar.
- You should see feedviewer app link in Inspector.
- Click on the link and go to Theme tab to change Sass variables
- Generate custom theme called “my-contest-theme” in theming-workspace/packages/local/my-contest-theme
From theming-contest-master directory
sencha generate theme my-contest-theme
- Extend custom theme “my-contest-theme” from "theme-triton".
In theming-workspace/packages/local/my-contest-theme/package.json
"extend": "theme-triton",
- Use “my-contest-theme” in the feed viewer app In the app.json file, change to "theme": "my-contest-theme". Optionally uncomment “save” to use Sencha Inspector changed Sass variables in save.json file. The resulting changes in app.json will look like
"builds": {
"classic": {
"toolkit": "classic",
"theme": "my-contest-theme",
"sass": {
"save": "classic/sass/save.json"
"modern": {
"toolkit": "modern",
"theme": "my-contest-theme",
"sass": {
"save": "modern/sass/save.json"
- Copy changes from the Inspector (or save.json file) to custom theme.
E.g. Add component variable $base-color: #639000; in
- Create unique components with Ext JS UIs (CSS mixins).
Send us zipped file of your workspace containing your version of the Feed Viewer sample application as well as custom themes at contest@sencha.com. Please do not include ext directory in the zipped file. All entries must be received by September 15, 2015.
- [Video - Getting started with theming contest] (https://vimeo.com/133395706)
- [Doc - Ext JS 6.0 theming] (http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.0/core_concepts/theming.html)
- [Tutorial - Ext JS 6.0 theming - Part 1] (https://www.sencha.com/blog/how-to-create-a-dark-ext-js-theme-part-1/)
- [Tutorial - Ext JS 6.0 theming - Part 2] (https://www.sencha.com/blog/how-to-create-a-dark-ext-js-theme-part-2/)
If you have any additional questions about the contest, please send those to contest forum at [Sencha Contest Forum] (https://www.sencha.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?137-Sencha-Contests)