This research provides a set of image processing tools for analyzing RGB and Near-Infrared (NIR) data captured with ToF depth cameras. The analyses involve extracting and processing different color channels from RGB images and NIR images for further reflectance analysis.
The convert
command below is part of ImageMagick, a powerful tool for image manipulation. Make sure you have it installed before running the commands.
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
The following commands use ImageMagick to separate the different color channels from an RGB image and process the NIR image.
At first, extract the Blue (450nm), Green (550nm), and Red (650nm) channels from an RGB image and perform an auto-level adjustment, use the following commands:
convert RGB.jpeg -colorspace RGB -channel B -separate -auto-level B.jpeg
convert RGB.jpeg -colorspace RGB -channel G -separate -auto-level G.jpeg
convert RGB.jpeg -colorspace RGB -channel R -separate -auto-level R.jpeg
Install all required packages using pip3
pip3 install pandas matplotlib opencv-python numpy
To process the NIR (850nm) image, convert the raw data into a PGM format and normalize the image:
convert -size 640x576 -depth 16 -endian LSB -define quantum:format=unsigned -define quantum:separate -depth 16 gray:NIR.raw -normalize NIR.pgm
To calibrate the Blue, Green and Red reflectance measurment in a given scene, run the following command on a scene that contains a Color Checker (Macbeth) and Reflectance targets. Update the calibration.json file with the scenes (R, G, B, and NIR) reflectance values. Run the command below to compute the relative reflectance of the Red, Blue and Green marks in NIR image.
python3 images/NIR.pgm --channel NIR --points 3
Example reflectance calibration.json file
"B": 12.21,
"G": 27.54,
"R": 40.88,
"NIR": 30.0
Run the following to compute the relative reflectance.
python3 --blue blue.jpeg --green green.jpeg --red red.jpeg --nir nir.pgm --points 9 --calibration calibration.json
Example command:
python3 --blue images/B_1731624458C5MJPG3072P.jpeg --green images/G_1731624458C5MJPG3072P.jpeg --red images/R_1731624458C5MJPG3072P.jpeg --nir images/1731624411IR5640NFOV_UNBINNED.pgm --points 9 --calibration calibration.json
The data to plot is saved as reflectance_data_timestamp.cvs. Execute the following command to plot the relative reflectance measurments per sample registered.
python3 reflectance_data_timestamp.csv --meta calibration.json