This repository is meant as a one-time starterkit when creating a new web project. It offers default Sass folder structure which will be compiled with Gulp.
You'll need node.js.
After cloning and changing into that directory, run this to install dependencies.
$ npm install
You may have to run that again for updates; so it may be wise to save this: $ npm install
. If you
have any problems; this is the first thing to run.
Finally, to do an initial build of the site and start watching for changes run:
$ npm start
If you are on Windows you may run into a few issues.
It is recommended you use Git for Windows.
If you get an alert saying that Google Chrome can't run, try passing in a different browser string into your
browser: ['chrome']
The UCD Theme Tasks node package contains all of the gulp tasks and
wiring needed to compile your code. Using this package allows configuration of your site through a gulp-config.yml
file. You can find documentation for the configuration options and how CSS and JS are affected by it at
Install any NPM component with the --save-dev
flag. This is helpful for Sass packages.
$ npm install {thing} --save-dev
The following Sass libraries have been added for ease in development:
- breakpoint-sass - Media Query helper
- normalize-scss - Normalize CSS reset
- sass-burger - Hambuger Menu
- sass-toolkit - Various helper mixins
Gulp is a task/build runner for development. It allows you to do a lot of stuff within your development workflow. You can compile sass files, uglify and compress js files and much more.
- Gulp Website
- Article from CSS Tricks: Gulp for Beginners
Gulp configuration can be customized to a local environment by creating a gulp-config.local.yml
file. Any custom
config specific to a local setup can be placed in here and it will not be committed to Git.
Project configuration is found in gulp-config.yml
. You can copy out config you want to change in your local file.
There are 3 main gulp tasks you should be aware of. Just add npx gulp
before each task like $ npx gulp compile
- Default - Generate the entire site and start watching for changes to live reload in the browser
- Compile - Generate the entire site with all assets such as css and js
- Validate - Validate CSS and JS by linting
$ npx gulp
is the one most often used and is the same as $ npx gulp default
(this is what npm start
BrowserSync is being used by Gulp to allow live reloading so that changes will be injected automatically into the site without having to reload.
When doing local development with a local server like MAMP you will want to add a domain
option to a gulp-config.local.yml
domain: mydomain.local