What's Changed
- Initialize the frontend project by @kumuditha-udayanga in #2
- Create the mentor card component by @anjula-sack in #11
- Create the home page by @MethmaPeiris99 in #41
- Development navbar and footer by @MethmaPeiris99 in #43
- Migrate from webpack to vite by @anjula-sack in #44
- Create components needed for edit profile page by @Piumal1999 in #45
- Configure tailwind by @Madhawa97 in #49
- Development tailwindcss storybook config by @MethmaPeiris99 in #54
- Implement user authentication by @Madhawa97 in #56
- Implement the login component design by @kumuditha-udayanga in #59
- Implement user registration and logout by @Madhawa97 in #58
- Add mentor registration page by @Madhawa97 in #60
- Fix category dropdown of mentor application to match with endpoint update by @Madhawa97 in #64
- Documentation Bug: Incorrect Start Command in README.md #62 by @mayura-andrew in #66
- Implement the admin dashboard UI by @kumuditha-udayanga in #67
- Implement user registration view by @kumuditha-udayanga in #61
- Fix the positioning issue of the Facebook icon and the Apply button. by @mayura-andrew in #68
- Fix the issue where the backend API URL was not configurable. by @mayura-andrew in #70
- Make the "Become a Mentor" button responsive. by @mayura-andrew in #72
- Add the MIT license by @anjula-sack in #74
- Develop Footer with Tailwind CSS by @vishwaikon in #79
- Change components from ant design to tailwind css by @RandilaP in #78
- Implementation of the Google OAuth on the frontend by @mayura-andrew in #80
- Develop Testimonial & Success Stories Containers by @vishwaikon in #81
- Develop Statistics Container by @vishwaikon in #82
- Add Mentor Profile View by @RandilaP in #83
- Develop Main Title Container by @vishwaikon in #84
- Implement MyMenteesView Component for Mentor Dashboard by @udeesha-kularathne in #86
- Implement MenteeApplicaitonsView Component for Mentor Dashboard by @udeesha-kularathne in #87
- Implement the mentor application by @anjula-sack in #89
- Add admin dashboard - manage mentor applications scene by @Madhawa97 in #90
- Implement public mentor page by @Madhawa97 in #91
- Implement mentee application form by @anjula-sack in #93
- Integrate approve / reject mentee API for the mentor dashboard by @anjula-sack in #96
- Add mentee dashboard by @anjula-sack in #100
- Create component for mentor application view by @Piumal1999 in #94
- Fix mobile responsive issues by @anjula-sack in #101
- Implement admin's mentee application view by @Piumal1999 in #103
- Implement Send Email Feature by @mayura-andrew in #98
- Fix the layout issues by @anjula-sack in #106
- Add toasts and loading states by @anjula-sack in #109
- Improve Mobile MenuDrawer by @mayura-andrew in #111
- Improve current home page and redusing current png's size by @mayura-andrew in #113
- Add Confirmation popups when changing user states by @anjula-sack in #117
- Bulk email send feature by @mayura-andrew in #115
New Contributors
- @kumuditha-udayanga made their first contribution in #2
- @anjula-sack made their first contribution in #11
- @MethmaPeiris99 made their first contribution in #41
- @Piumal1999 made their first contribution in #45
- @Madhawa97 made their first contribution in #49
- @mayura-andrew made their first contribution in #66
- @vishwaikon made their first contribution in #79
- @RandilaP made their first contribution in #78
- @udeesha-kularathne made their first contribution in #86
Full Changelog: https://github.com/sef-global/scholarx-frontend/commits/v2