JavaScript for automation (JXA) builder with automatic dependencies resolution. At the moment you can build a standalone applets and reusable libraries.
JXA is Apple's technology, so you can use it only on macOS.
- Easy splitting of your script into modules
- Automatic module dependencies resolution
- Installation/Uninstallation to/from known locations (~/Library/Scripts, /Library/Scripts, /Applications)
- ability to set custom icon for the applet
Python 3.8+ is required. Python3 is already installed on macOS, so no need to install it.
pip install jxa-builder
## or if you want some isolation
pipx install jxa-builder
Project configuration Most of the build options can be specified in different ways The priority from lowest to highest is:
- package.json (if you use a package manager)
- jxa.json
- command line arguments
The naming difference between options in command line and json files is that in json files they are camelCase.
So these json config options:
"compMode": "app",
"depsInstallMode": "system",
"version": "2.0.0"
"main": "src/index.js",
"appIcon": "Neovim.icns",
"appName": "Neovim",
are equivalent to these command line options:
--comp-mode app \
--deps-install-mode system \
--version 2.0.0 \
--main src/index.js \
--app-icon Neovim.icns \
--app-name "Neovim"
To build and install
cd /path/to/your/project
jxa-builder build
jxa-builder install
## You can also specify locations explicitly
jxa-builder build --project-dir /path/to/your/project
jxa-builder install --path /path/to/your/project
By default, shell logs are turned off (enabled using --debug flag)
However, file logs are always on and are stored in