Introducing popular architectural pattern Model-View-Controller (MVC) by building and structuring an application in Node.js using MVC.
MVC is simply a design or architectural pattern used in software engineering. While this isn’t a hard rule, but this pattern helps developers focus on a particular aspect of their application, one step at a time.
The main goal of MVC is to split large applications into specific sections that have their own individual purpose.
It also allows developers to logically structure applications in a secure way, which is portrayed by this application. But first, let’s break down what each aspect of the pattern provides.
As the name implies, a model is a design or structure. In the case of MVC, the model determines how a database is structured, defining a section of the application that interacts with the database. This is where we define the properties of a user that will be store in our database.
The controller accesses the database through the model. You could say that the model is the heart of the application.
The view is where end users interact within the application. Simply put, this is where all the HTML template files go.
The controller interacts with the model and serves the response and functionality to the view. When an end user makes a request, it’s sent to the controller which interacts with the database.
You can think of the controller as a waiter in a restaurant that handles customers’ orders, which in this case is the view. The waiter then goes to the kitchen, which is the model/database, and gets food to serve the customers, which is the controller handling the request.