The scuttle_slam
ROS package provides configurations for different
SLAM algorithms.
The configurations in this repository assume you have the following prerequisites installed on the device on which you want to run this code. That device might be an Ubuntu machine or a physical SCUTTLE using Raspberry Pi OS.
- ROS Noetic with the
packages. - A working ROS workspace.
- The scuttle_description package installed in your workspace.
- The scuttle_bringup package installed in your workspace.
The ROS SLAM algorithms assume that at least one sensor is present that is able to either create a LaserScan or a PointCloud. Additionally some SLAM algorithms require that your robot publishes odometry data.
The implemented algorithms are:
- Gmapping - OpenSLAM's gmapping algorithm
After installing the prerequisites you can pull this repository to the device on which you want to run the code.
git clone -b noetic
Once the code is on the device you can 'build' the workspace
Finally you can run the navigation stack for SCUTTLE
roslaunch scuttle_slam scuttle_slam.launch