template for quickly creating public docker images
- Click use this template
- Update this README.md if you want (status badge etc to point to your image)
- Customize environment by adding repo2docker files
- Use resulting image pushed to GitHub Packages!
To use your built image on mybinder.org just put a Dockerfile in a separate repository pointing to your image and corresponding tag (usually this is a github short "sha"):
FROM ghcr.io/scottyhq/pangeo-buildx-template:0f1b90c
If you want to automatically pull content into a BinderHub session use https://jupyterhub.github.io/nbgitpuller/index.html
The github action in this repository points to a Dockerfile in https://github.com/scottyhq/pangeo-buildx that expects certain configuration files such as the conda environment.yml to build a Docker image for you.