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- 定义
- 用于索引的数据结构
- 索引的应用:分布式系统、数据库与数据系统、信息检索等
- 教科书:
- Thomas H. Cormen, Introduction to algorithms, third edition, MIT press, 2009.
- Eva Tardos and Jon Kleinberg, Algorithm Design, Pearson, 2006.
- Tim Roughgarden, Algorithms Illuminated.
索引的数据结构包括哈希表(Hash Table)、树(Tree)、整数数组/链表(Integer Array/ Linked List)和位图(Bitmap)。
- B. H. Bloom,Space/time trade-offs in hash coding with allowable errors, Commun. ACM, Volume 13 Issue 7, Pages 422-426, July 1970.
- Crainiceanu, Adina, and Daniel Lemire. "Bloofi: Multidimensional Bloom Filters." Information Systems 54 (2015): 311-324.
- Chazelle, Bernard, et al. "The Bloomier filter: an efficient data structure for static support lookup tables." SODA, 2004.
平衡树 B-Tree
- Guttman, Antonin. R-trees: a dynamic index structure for spatial searching. Vol. 14, no. 2. ACM, 1984.
- Sellis, Timos, Nick Roussopoulos, and Christos Faloutsos. "The R+-Tree: A Dynamic Index for Multi-Dimensional Objects." VLDB, 1987.
Verbatim Integer List 带来的空间开销,人们发明了Integer List Compression机制,尤其是compressing 32-bit unsigned integers。
- BP128 (Binary packing ) / SIMDBP128 /
- FastPFor
- FOR (Frame of reference) / PFOR (Patched Frame of reference) / PFOR Delta (PFOR on deltas) / NewPforDelta /SIMDPforDelta
- Simple16 / Simple8b
- VByte(or VB ) / VarIntGB(or GroupVB ) / StreamVByte /MaskedVByte SIMD-accelerated VByte / MaskedVByte
- PEF (Partitioned Elias-Fano) Partitioned Elias-Fano
- Data Structures for Inverted Indexes (ds2i)
- 研究论文:
- Daniel Lemire and Christoph Rupp. Upscaledb: Efficient Integer-Key Compression in a Key-Value Store using SIMD Instructions. Information Systems, 2017.
- D. Lemire, L. Boytsov, N. Kurz, SIMD compression and the intersection of sorted integers, Softw. Pract. Exp. 46 (6) (2016) 723–749.
- Jeff Plaisance, Nathan Kurz, and Daniel Lemire. "Vectorized vbyte decoding." CoRR, abs/1503.07387, 2015.
- Jeff Plaisance, Nathan Kurz, Daniel Lemire, Vectorized VByte Decoding, International Symposium on Web Algorithms 2015, 2015.
- D. Lemire and L. Boytsov. Decoding billions of integers per second through vectorization. Softw. Pract. Exp. 45 (1) (2015) 1–29.
- Inoue, Hiroshi, Moriyoshi Ohara, and Kenjiro Taura, Faster Set Intersection with SIMD instructions by Reducing Branch Mispredictions, VLDB 2014.
- Kane, Andrew, and Frank Wm Tompa, Skewed Partial Bitvectors for List Intersection, SIGIR 2014.
- Schlegel, Benjamin, Thomas Willhalm, and Wolfgang Lehner. Fast Sorted-Set Intersection using SIMD Instructions, ADMS 2011.
- Zukowski, Marcin, Sandor Heman, Niels Nes, and Peter Boncz. "Super-scalar RAM-CPU cache compression." ICDE 2006.
应用环境:特别适合作为数据管理中的列式存储(Column-oriented or Columnar )的索引和信息检索中的反向索引的数据结构。
A bit array (also known as bit map , bit set, bit string, or bit vector) is an array data structure that compactly stores bits. It can be used to implement a simple set data structure.
- Population / Hamming weight
- Find first set (ffs) or Find first one
- Inversion
- 研究论文:
- Matthias Vallentin, Vern Paxson, and Robin Sommer. "VAST: a unified platform for interactive network forensics." NSDI 2016.
- Gonzalo Navarro and Eliana Providel. “Fast, Small, Simple Rank/Select on Bitmaps.” SEA 2013.
Verbatim Bitmap 带来的空间开销,尤其是bitmap很稀疏的情况下。为此,人们发明了Bitmap Compression机制。不仅可以降低空间开销,而且可以显著加快运算速度。
在1995年,甲骨文公司(oracle)的G. Antoshekov展示了一种新的针对位图索引的压缩算法Byte-Aligned Bitmap Compression(BBC)。
在此之后,WAH (Word Aligned Hybrid compression), PLWAH (Position list word aligned hybrid), COMPAX (COMPressed Adaptive indeX) 等多种索引压缩方法被提出,在国际上被认可并在数据库索引编码中被广泛应用。
目前,已有相关运营软件产生,如Spark, Fastbit , Druid 等平台。
- 可运算的位图压缩方法
- BBC (Byte-aligned Bitmap Compression)
- WAH (Word Aligned Hybrid)
- PLWAH (Position List Word-Aligned Hybrid)
- EWAH (Enhanced Word-Aligned Hybrid )
- CONCISE (COmpressed N Composable Integer SEt)
- PWAH (Partitioned Word-Aligned Hybrid)
- COMPAX (COMPressed Adaptive indeX )
- SBH (Super byte-aligned hybrid)
- 与反向索引的比较
- 研究论文
[2] Wu, Kesheng, Ekow J. Otoo, and Arie Shoshani. "Compressing bitmap indexes for faster search operations." In Scientific and Statistical Database Management(SSDBM), 2002.
[3] Wu, K., Otoo, E. J., and Shoshani, A. Optimizing bitmap indices with efficient compression. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), 31(1), 1-38, 2006.
[4] Stabno, Michał, and Robert Wrembel. "RLH: Bitmap compression technique based on run-length and Huffman encoding." Information Systems 34, no. 4, pp.400-414, 2009.
[5] F. Fusco, M. P. Stoecklin, and M. Vlachos, “Net-fli: on-the-fly compression, archiving and indexing of streaming network traffic,” Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, vol. 3, no. 1-2, pp. 1382–1393, 2010.
[6] F. Deli`ege, T. B. Pedersen. Position list word aligned hybrid: optimizing space and performance for compressed bitmaps. EDBT 2010.
[7] F. Corrales, D. Chiu, and J. Sawin, “Variable Length Compression for Bitmap Indexes,” DEXA 2011.
[8] D. Lemire et al., “Sorting improves word-aligned bitmap indexes,” Data & Knowledge Engineering, 69(1), pp.3-28, 2010.
[9] S. J. van Schaik et al., “A memory efficient reachability data structure through bit vector compression,” SIGMOD, pp.913-924, 2011.
[10] S. Chambi, D. Lemire, O. Kaser, and R. Godin, “Better bitmap performance with roaring bitmaps,” Software: Practice and Experience, 2015.
[11] A. Schmidt, D. Kimmig, and M. Beine, "DFWAH: A Proposal of a New Compression Scheme of Medium-Sparse Bitmaps," DBKDA 2011.
[12] R. Slechta, J. Sawin, B. McCamish, D. Chiu and G. Canahuate, A tunable compression framework for bitmap indices, ICDE 2014.
[13] Kim, Sangchul, Junhee Lee, Srinivasa Rao Satti, and Bongki Moon. "SBH: Super byte-aligned hybrid bitmap compression." Information Systems 62 (2016): 155-168.
- 研究专利
[2] WAH, Word aligned bitmap compression method, data structure, and apparatus, UC Berkeley, http://www.google.com/patents/US6831575.
[3] COMPAX, Network analysis, IBM, http://www.google.com/patents/US20120054160.
[4] PLWAH, Algorhyme, http://www.google.com/patents/US9236881.
2014年12月俄勒冈州立大学的Ben McCamish等人提出了一个由数据驱动的能源系统实时监测与可视化的框架,将传感器采集的数据用位图存储,并使用WAH算法压缩,从而减小了数据存储空间,提高了查询速度。
- McCamish, Ben, Rich Meier, Jordan Landford, Robert B. Bass, David Chiu, and Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez. "A backend framework for the efficient management of power system measurements." Electric Power Systems Research 140 (2016): 797-805.
- Roaring Bitmap
Roaring 数据结构内部采用位图Bitmap,整数数组Arrays和游程编码Runs的表示形式,三种表示形式是平等的。当数据以其中某种表示结构的表示时,整体空间为最优,Roaring则采用该表示结构。也就是说,Roaring采用空间最优化的数据表示结构。
Roaring的Java实现 Java-Roaring
Roaring的C/C++实现 CRoaring
- Roaring 研究论文:
- Roaring Hybrid
- Lemire, Daniel, Gregory Ssi‐Yan‐Kai, and Owen Kaser. "Consistently faster and smaller compressed bitmaps with Roaring." Software: Practice and Experience 46.11 (2016): 1547-1569.
- Native Roaring
- Samy Chambi, Daniel Lemire, Owen Kaser, and Robert Godin. "Better bitmap performance with Roaring bitmaps." Software: practice and experience, 2015.
- Hirochika Asai, Ohara Y, Poptrie: A Compressed Trie with Population Count for Fast and Scalable Software IP Routing Table Lookup, sigcomm 2014.
- 研究论文:
- Athanassoulis, Manos, and Anastasia Ailamaki. "BF-tree: approximate tree indexing." Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7, no. 14 (2014): 1881-1892.
- Alex Galakatos, Michael Markovitch. Carsten Binnig, Rodrigo Fonseca, Tim Kraska, A-tree: A bounded approximate index structure, arxiv, https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.10207.
- Lakshminarasimhan, Sriram, et al. "Scalable in situ scientific data encoding for analytical query processing." HPDC 2013.
- 研究论文:
- Juha Kärkkäinen, Dominik Kempa, Simon J. Puglisi. Hybrid Compression of Bitvectors for the FM-Index. In Proc. 2014 Data Compression Conference (DCC 2014), pp. 302-311, 2014.
- Gagie, Travis, Gonzalo Navarro, and Simon J. Puglisi. 2012. “New algorithms on wavelet trees and applications to information retrieval.” Theoretical Computer Science 426: 25–41.
西班牙拉科鲁尼亚大学的Nieves R. Brisaboa1,et al提出运用一种符号重排的技巧,我们可以直接访问变长度码的第i个数据。这种压缩要求保持可查询性,也就是能够既保证压缩率又保证可索引性。从而实现快速处理位图索引的取样的同时,做到尽量节省存储空间。
- Brisaboa, Nieves R., Susana Ladra, and Gonzalo Navarro. "Directly addressable variable-length codes." In International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, pp. 122-130. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
- Succinct Data Structure Library
List of Implemented Data Structures
- Bitvectors supporting Rank and Select
- Integer Vectors
- Wavelet Trees
- Compressed Suffix Arrays (CSA)
- Balanced Parentheses Representations
- Longest Common Prefix (LCP) Arrays
- Compressed Suffix Trees (CST)
- Range Minimum/Maximum Query (RMQ) Structures
- 树索引在数据库中应用广泛。
- 位图索引的应用
对象计数问题(counting objects)是git软件进行git clone时,需要实时计算出需要克隆的对象总数。
"对象计数"就是清点各种commit、目录、文件等。git clone和git fetch操作都需要清点对象,因为需要知道,到底下载哪些对象文件。
- 列出本地所有分支最新的一个commit
- 列出远程所有分支最新的一个commit
- 两者进行比较,只要有不同,就意味着分支发生变动
- 每一个发生变动的commit,都清点其中具体变动的子目录和文件
- 追溯到当前commit的父节点,重复第四步,直至本地与远程的历史一致为止
- 加总所有需要变动的对象
- 不用读取commit对象,只要读取这个二进制值,就会知道当前commit包含了哪些节点。
- 两个二进制值只要做一次XOR运算,就会知道哪些位(即哪些对象)发生了变动。
- 新的对象总是添加到现有二进制位的后面,所以只要读取多出来的那些位,就知道当前commit比上一次commit多出了哪些对象。
搜索引擎(Search Engine)是一种典型的信息检索的大数据系统,是实现信息检索(Information Retrieval)的软件。
经典的搜索引擎主要是针对爬取的网页文本的检索。 一个网页文本或文档,是由许多的单词组成的。其中每个单词可以在同一个文档中重复出现很多次,同一个单词也可以出现在不同的文档中。
为了实现快速的搜索响应,搜索引擎采用反向索引(Inverted Index)的数据结构。反向索引在信息检索中发挥重要作用。这里介绍一下前向索引(forward index)和反向索引(Inverted Index)的概念。
前向索引(forward index):从文档角度看其中的单词,表示每个文档(用文档ID标识)都含有哪些单词,以及每个单词出现了多少次(词频)及其出现位置(相对于文档首部的偏移量)。
反向索引(inverted index 或inverted files):从单词角度看文档,标识每个单词分别在那些文档中出现(文档ID),以及在各自的文档中每个单词分别出现了多少次(词频)及其出现位置(相对于该文档首部的偏移量)。
前向索引(一对多映射):文档 ---> 单词
反向索引(一对多映射):单词 ---> 文档
在反向索引中,每个关键词对应一个反向链表(Inverted List),记录了该关键词出现的所有文档的编号。
反向索引在实际实现中,可以采用位图(Bitmap)与整数数组/链表(Integer Array/List)两种结构形式。
- 研究论文:
- Giuseppe Ottaviano, Nicola Tonellotto, Rossano Venturini, Optimal Space-Time Tradeoffs for Inverted Indexes, ACM WSDM 2015.
- 研究论文:
- Culpepper, J. Shane, and Alistair Moffat. "Efficient set intersection for inverted indexing." ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 2010.
- pyRoaringBitMap
from pyroaring import BitMap
bm1 = BitMap()
bm2 = BitMap([3, 27, 42])
print("bm1 = %s" % bm1)
print("bm2 = %s" % bm2)
print("bm1 & bm2 = %s" % (bm1&bm2))
print("bm1 | bm2 = %s" % (bm1|bm2))
大数据索引技术 - B+ tree vs LSM tree, https://www.cnblogs.com/fxjwind/archive/2012/06/09/2543357.html
MySQL索引背后的数据结构及算法原理, http://www.codinglabs.org/html/theory-of-mysql-index.html
BDMI-2019 Autumn AI lab