I'm a 22 year old software engineer, an avid programmer and a linux geek;
I like to say that I am a full-stack developer, but I have a broader hands-on experience with backend & cloud platform development, primarily in NodeJS & Go. However previously, I have focused on technologies like TypeScript & NextJS for frontend, Java for Android, Python for scripting & deployment, etc;
Following from this, I spent 4 years studying Computer Science & Engineering, specializing on advanced software systems, later on entitled as a Software Engineer at an electronics firm working with industry standard frameworks such as SystemC / TLM, CMAKE, customized libraries like SCML, and debugging & performance testing tools like GDB, Jest and Valgrind.
My current job envolves cloud and ERP based technologies like ERPNext, Flask, enhanced by cloud platforms like AWS and GCP.
For faster response, you can mail me at sambhavsaxena02@gmail.com
Any other queries? Contact me via LinkedIn or Twitter / X
You can also read my blogs here.