Tic-Tac-Toe Notebook is a simple Android Game, made in android studio, using Java as the main language. The game has 2 player mode and single player mode where an AI made using a simple minimax algorithm compitite with the human player. And it has difficulty levels, with a decent UI. It took me a bit more than 30 hours to make this game, lerning minimax and some simple android featurs included. You can find the game on playstore here...
Here is the link to the game on playstore... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blogspot.sam4rth.tictactoenotebook
You are free to do anything with this code... Take inspirations and make your own Tic Tac Toe game, the UI is not that good but go on fix it and make it better in your one!!! If you are starting android development this game will teach you a lot!
Thankyou, if you have something to say contact me!
Github : sam4rth
Stalkoverflow : sam4rth
Instagram : sam4rth_
Twitter : sam4rth_
Email : samsri987@gmail.com
Discord : SAM4RTH#2452
Blog : https://sam4rth.blogspot.com