CollabSphere is a versatile collaboration tool platform built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js). It can be deployed either on-premises or in the cloud, ensuring data integrity within the organization. This platform offers a range of features to enhance collaboration and communication:
- 🏢 Creating Room: Create dedicated collaboration spaces for various projects or teams.
- 🚀 Joining Room: Join existing rooms to collaborate with team members.
- 🔊 Announcements: Make important announcements within rooms to keep all members informed.
- 📚 Assignments: Create, add, and upload assignments to share with room members.
- 📂 File Sharing: Easily share files and documents among room members.
- 💬 Chat: Engage in real-time text-based communication with your team.
The client application is deployed on Azure Web App, ensuring scalability and reliability. You can access it using the following link:
CollabSphere leverages various Azure services to power its functionality:
Resource Group: This is used to organize and manage related Azure resources, ensuring efficient resource management.
Server App Service: This hosts the server-side application, handling backend logic and APIs.
Client App Service: The client application is hosted here, allowing users to interact with the CollabSphere platform.
Cosmos DB for MongoDB: This NoSQL database service stores and manages the data for CollabSphere.
- 📧 Email:
- 🔑 Password: example12345
The CollabSphere project is organized as follows:
- 🚪 Login Page: A page where users can log in to their accounts.
- 📝 Register Page: A page for new users to register.
- 🏠 Landing Page: The landing page serves as the home screen for users.
- 🏡 Home: The default landing page with an overview of the user's rooms.
- 📅 Assignments: A section where assignments are listed and managed.
- 💬 Chat: Real-time chat functionality.
- 🛋️ Room Page: When users enter a room, they have access to the following features:
- 🔊 Announcements: View and create room-specific announcements.
- 📚 Assignments: Access and manage assignments related to the room.
- 📂 Files: Share and access files relevant to the room.
- 💬 Chat: Collaborate in real-time with room members.
To set up CollabSphere locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Change to the project directory:
cd CollabSphere
Install the required dependencies using npm:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start