Creates a deamonized init script which is just original unicorn script modified and templated.
Works on debian jessie 8.3 with systemd
Could be useful to quickly spin up ruby apps for CI by wrappering with a define
# Wrapper class see app.yaml
class wrapper_class(
app_data => $ruby_apps
# wrapper define
define wrapper_define(
unicorn::generate{ $name:
app_root => $self['app_root'],
user => $self['user'], # optional
rails_env => $self['rails_env'], # optional
bundle => $self['bundle'], # optional
app_socket => $self['app_socket'], # optional
pid_file => $self['pid_file'], # optional
worker_processes => $self['worker_processes'], # optional
backlog => $self['backlog'], # optional
timeout => $self['timeout'], # optional