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437 implement #if_#then_#else hook (#442)
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* Evaluation now proceeds bottom-up (but still discovers work top-down)
* New module `Booster.Builtin` as a home for all hook implementations
* If a hook implementation is provided, it will be tried before function
and simplification equations
* A hook is allowed to return no result, in which case function and
simplification equations will be tried
* Sort errors or arity errors (currently) abort the evaluation (should
be caught during internalisation)

FIxes #437


Co-authored-by: github-actions <>
Co-authored-by: Georgy Lukyanov <>
Co-authored-by: Samuel Balco <>
  • Loading branch information
4 people authored Jan 12, 2024
1 parent c3436ba commit a673bb5
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,132 additions and 2,890 deletions.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions library/Booster/Builtin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
{- |
Copyright : (c) Runtime Verification, 2023
License : BSD-3-Clause
Builtin functions. Only a select few functions are implemented.
Built-in functions are looked up by their symbol attribute 'hook' from
the definition's symbol map.
module Booster.Builtin (
) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prettyprinter (pretty, vsep)

import Booster.Pattern.Base
import Booster.Pattern.Bool
import Booster.Pattern.Util
import Booster.Prettyprinter

-- built-in functions may fail on arity or sort errors, and may be
-- partial (returning a Maybe type)
type BuiltinFunction = [Term] -> Except Text (Maybe Term)

hooks :: Map Text BuiltinFunction
hooks =
[ builtinsKEQUAL

(~~>) :: Text -> BuiltinFunction -> (Text, BuiltinFunction)
(~~>) = (,)

-- KEQUAL hooks
builtinsKEQUAL :: Map Text BuiltinFunction
builtinsKEQUAL =
[ "KEQUAL.ite" ~~> iteHook

iteHook :: BuiltinFunction
iteHook args
| [cond, thenVal, elseVal] <- args = do
cond `shouldHaveSort` "SortBool"
unless (sortOfTerm thenVal == sortOfTerm elseVal) $
throwE . renderText . vsep $
[ "Different sorts in alternatives:"
, pretty thenVal
, pretty elseVal
case cond of
TrueBool -> pure $ Just thenVal
FalseBool -> pure $ Just elseVal
_other -> pure Nothing
| otherwise =
throwE . renderText $ "KEQUAL.ite: wrong arity " <> pretty (length args)

-- check for simple (parameter-less) sorts
shouldHaveSort :: Term -> SortName -> Except Text ()
t `shouldHaveSort` s
| sortOfTerm t == SortApp s [] =
pure ()
| otherwise =
throwE . renderText . vsep $
[ pretty $ "Argument term has unexpected sort (expected " <> show s <> "):"
, pretty t
171 changes: 96 additions & 75 deletions library/Booster/Pattern/ApplyEquations.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,10 +36,8 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT (..), ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (toList, traverse_)
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
Expand All @@ -51,6 +49,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Prettyprinter

import Booster.Builtin as Builtin
import Booster.Definition.Attributes.Base
import Booster.Definition.Base
import Booster.LLVM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,7 +305,7 @@ evaluatePattern' ::
EquationT io Pattern
evaluatePattern' Pattern{term, constraints, ceilConditions} = do
pushConstraints constraints
newTerm <- evaluateTerm' TopDown term
newTerm <- evaluateTerm' BottomUp term
-- after evaluating the term, evaluate all (existing and
-- newly-acquired) constraints, once
traverse_ simplifyAssumedPredicate . predicates =<< getState
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,124 +335,146 @@ applyTerm ::
EquationPreference ->
Term ->
EquationT io Term
applyTerm BottomUp pref =
cataA $ \case
DomainValueF s val ->
pure $ DomainValue s val
VarF var ->
pure $ Var var
InjectionF src trg t ->
Injection src trg <$> t -- no injection simplification
AndTermF arg1 arg2 ->
AndTerm <$> arg1 <*> arg2 -- no \and simplification
SymbolApplicationF sym sorts args -> do
t <- SymbolApplication sym sorts <$> sequence args
applyAtTop pref t
KMapF def keyVals rest ->
KMap def <$> mapM (uncurry $ liftM2 (,)) keyVals <*> sequence rest
KListF def heads rest ->
KList def
<$> sequence heads
<*> mapM (uncurry (liftM2 (,)) . second sequence) rest
KSetF def heads rest ->
KSet def
<$> sequence heads
<*> sequence rest
-- FIXME rewrite Bottom-up evaluation without cata, traversing top-down but processing in pre-order (apply below)
applyTerm TopDown pref = \t@(Term attributes _) ->
if attributes.isEvaluated
then pure t
applyTerm direction pref trm = do
config <- getConfig -- avoid re-reading config at every node
descend config trm
-- descend :: EquationConfig -> Term -> EquationT io Term
descend config t@(Term attributes _)
| attributes.isEvaluated = pure t
| otherwise =
fromCache t >>= \case
Nothing -> do
config <- getConfig
-- All fully concrete values go to the LLVM backend (top-down only)
simplified <-
if isConcrete t && isJust config.llvmApi && attributes.canBeEvaluated
then do
-- LLVM simplification proceeds top-down and cuts the descent
-- FIXME run this in IO
let result = simplifyTerm (fromJust config.llvmApi) config.definition t (sortOfTerm t)
when (result /= t) $ do
traceRuleApplication t Nothing (Just "LLVM") Nothing $ Success result
pure result
else apply t
else -- use equations
apply config t
toCache t simplified
pure simplified
Just cached -> do
when (t /= cached) $ do
traceRuleApplication t Nothing (Just "Cache") Nothing $ Success cached
pure cached
apply = \case

-- Bottom-up evaluation traverses AST nodes in post-order but finds work top-down
-- Top-down evaluation traverses AST nodes in pre-order
apply config = \case
dv@DomainValue{} ->
pure dv
v@Var{} ->
pure v
Injection src trg t ->
Injection src trg <$> applyTerm TopDown pref t -- no injection simplification
Injection src trg <$> descend config t -- no injection simplification
AndTerm arg1 arg2 ->
AndTerm -- no \and simplification
<$> applyTerm TopDown pref arg1
<*> applyTerm TopDown pref arg2
app@(SymbolApplication sym sorts args) -> do
-- try to apply equations
t <- applyAtTop pref app
if t /= app
then do
case t of
SymbolApplication sym' sorts' args' ->
SymbolApplication sym' sorts'
<$> mapM (applyTerm TopDown pref) args'
_otherwise ->
applyTerm TopDown pref t -- won't loop
SymbolApplication sym sorts
<$> mapM (applyTerm TopDown pref) args
<$> descend config arg1
<*> descend config arg2
app@(SymbolApplication sym sorts args)
| direction == BottomUp -> do
-- evaluate arguments first
args' <- mapM (descend config) args
-- then try to apply equations
applyAtTop pref $ SymbolApplication sym sorts args'
| otherwise {- direction == TopDown -} -> do
-- try to apply equations
t <- applyAtTop pref app
-- then recurse into arguments or re-evaluate (avoiding a loop)
if t /= app
then do
case t of
SymbolApplication sym' sorts' args' ->
SymbolApplication sym' sorts'
<$> mapM (descend config) args'
_otherwise ->
descend config t -- won't loop
SymbolApplication sym sorts
<$> mapM (descend config) args
-- maps, lists, and sets, are not currently evaluated because
-- the matcher does not provide matches on collections.
KMap def keyVals rest ->
KMap def
<$> mapM (\(k, v) -> (,) <$> applyTerm TopDown pref k <*> applyTerm TopDown pref v) keyVals
<*> maybe (pure Nothing) ((Just <$>) . applyTerm TopDown pref) rest
<$> mapM (\(k, v) -> (,) <$> descend config k <*> descend config v) keyVals
<*> maybe (pure Nothing) ((Just <$>) . descend config) rest
KList def heads rest ->
KList def
<$> mapM (applyTerm TopDown pref) heads
<$> mapM (descend config) heads
<*> maybe
(pure Nothing)
( (Just <$>)
. \(mid, tails) ->
<$> applyTerm TopDown pref mid
<*> mapM (applyTerm TopDown pref) tails
<$> descend config mid
<*> mapM (descend config) tails
KSet def keyVals rest ->
KSet def
<$> mapM (applyTerm TopDown pref) keyVals
<*> maybe (pure Nothing) ((Just <$>) . applyTerm TopDown pref) rest
<$> mapM (descend config) keyVals
<*> maybe (pure Nothing) ((Just <$>) . descend config) rest

{- | Try to apply function equations and simplifications to the given
top-level term, in priority order and per group.
applyAtTop ::
forall io.
MonadLoggerIO io =>
EquationPreference ->
Term ->
EquationT io Term
applyAtTop pref term = do
def <- (.definition) <$> getConfig
case pref of
PreferFunctions -> do
-- when applying equations, we want to catch DoesNotPreserveDefinedness/incosistentmatch/etc
-- to do with functions, so as not to abort the entire simplification run
fromFunctions <- applyEquations def.functionEquations handleFunctionEquation term
if fromFunctions == term
then applyEquations def.simplifications handleSimplificationEquation term
else pure fromFunctions
PreferSimplifications -> do
simplified <- applyEquations def.simplifications handleSimplificationEquation term
if simplified == term
then applyEquations def.functionEquations handleFunctionEquation term
else pure simplified
-- always try built-in (hooked) functions first, then equations
fromMaybeM tryEquations tryBuiltins
tryBuiltins :: EquationT io (Maybe Term)
tryBuiltins = do
case term of
SymbolApplication sym _sorts args
| Just hook <- flip Map.lookup Builtin.hooks =<< sym.attributes.hook -> do
logOther (LevelOther "Simplify") $
"Calling hooked function "
<> fromJust sym.attributes.hook
<> " for "
<> renderText (pretty term)
either (throw . InternalError) checkChanged
. runExcept
$ hook args
_other -> pure Nothing

-- for the (unlikely) case that a built-in reproduces itself, we
-- cannot blindly set the changed flag when we have applied a hook
checkChanged :: Maybe Term -> EquationT io (Maybe Term)
checkChanged Nothing =
logOther (LevelOther "Simplify") "Hook returned no result" >> pure Nothing
checkChanged (Just t) = do
logOther (LevelOther "Simplify") . renderText $
"Hook returned " <> pretty t
unless (t == term) setChanged
pure (Just t)

tryEquations :: EquationT io Term
tryEquations = do
def <- (.definition) <$> getConfig
case pref of
PreferFunctions -> do
fromFunctions <- applyEquations def.functionEquations handleFunctionEquation term
if fromFunctions == term
then applyEquations def.simplifications handleSimplificationEquation term
else pure fromFunctions
PreferSimplifications -> do
simplified <- applyEquations def.simplifications handleSimplificationEquation term
if simplified == term
then applyEquations def.functionEquations handleFunctionEquation term
else pure simplified

data ApplyEquationResult
= Success Term
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -728,7 +749,7 @@ simplifyConstraint' recurseIntoEvalBool = \case
evalBool :: MonadLoggerIO io => Term -> EquationT io Term
evalBool t = do
prior <- getState -- save prior state so we can revert
result <- iterateEquations 100 TopDown PreferFunctions t
result <- iterateEquations 100 BottomUp PreferFunctions t
EquationT $ lift $ lift $ put prior
pure result

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/rpc-integration/resources/simplify.k
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
imports INT
imports ID-SYNTAX
imports K-EQUAL

syntax Int ::= f ( Int ) [function, no-evaluators] // a non-concrete value

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/rpc-integration/resources/simplify.kompile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
echo "kompiling simplify.k"
kompile --backend haskell simplify.k
kompile --backend haskell simplify.k --syntax-module SIMPLIFY
cp simplify-kompiled/definition.kore simplify.kore
rm -r simplify-kompiled

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