COMP90015 Project 1 Group 1984
Group Members:
- Margareta Hardiyanti <>
- Ruifeng Luo <>
- Zhuxin Yang <>
- Taicheng Zhou <>
Implemented distributed messaging system in a client-server architecture, and utilize multi-threading and socket communication in Java.
- Client establish a TCP connection with the server.
- Client send a message to the server.
- The server broadcasts that message to all clients currently connected and clients display the message to users.
- Allows servers to join the network at any time.
- Allows clients to join (register/login) and leave (logout) the network at any time.
- Guarantees that an activity message sent by a client reaches all clients that are connected to the network at the time that the message was sent.
- Guarantees that all activity messages sent by a client are delivered in the same order at each receiving client.
- Ensures that clients are evenly distributed over the servers as much as possible.
To run the jar files, open the terminal and change to current directory, then type the command
For client:
java -jar ActivityStreamerClient.jar [arguments]
For server:
java -jar ActivityStreamerServer.jar [arguments]
To build from the source code, import this folder as a Maven project to a prefered IDE, then run the files and as the main class.