The repository is a simple In-Memory Database similar to Redis, made using Go. It accepts commands via the redis-client.
Clone the git repo using the command:
git clone
Move to the directory and start the server using the command:
cd Redis-Clone
go run .
Run the client in a different terminal:
Command | Syntax | Example | Output |
PING | PING [message] | PING | "PONG" |
SET | SET key value | SET myKey "Hello" | "OK" |
GET | GET key | GET myKey | "Hello" |
EXISTS | EXISTS key [key ...] | EXISTS myKey | (integer) 1 |
DEL | DEL key [key ...] | DEL myKey | (integer) 1 |
HSET | HSET key field value | HSET myhash field1 "Hello" | "OK" |
HGET | HGET key field | HGET myhash field1 | "Hello" |
HGETALL | HGETALL key | HGET myhash field1 | "Hello" |
HEXISTS | HEXISTS key field | HEXISTS myhash field1 | (integer) 1 |
HDEL | HDEL key field [field ...] | HDEL myhash field1 | (integer) 1 |
The data is stored in an AOF (Append only file). In this method, the Redis Clone records each command in the file as Redis serialization protocol (RESP). When a restart occurs, the Redis Cone reads all the RESP commands from the AOF file and executes them in memory.