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Data Science Enthusiast with 1+ years of working experience in the field of Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning (Computer Vision & Natural Language Processing).

Professional Work Experiences :


@WeHear | June 2021 - Present

Key Achievements & Responsibilities :

  • Analyzed and Visualized Data for better in-sight
  • Performed Data Preprocessing & Data Preparing tasks
  • Used XGBoost & Random-Forest classifier to train a model
  • Evaluate Model Performance for generalization
  • Deployed Predictive end-to-end ML Pipeline


@MentorBoxx | April 2021 - June 2021

Key Achievements & Responsibilities :

  • Trained on Machine Learning & Data Science Concepts
  • Applied Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Preprocessing techniques on various types of Dataset
  • Worked on live industry assigned projects
  • Learnt to design complete Data Science Project
  • Implemented end-to-end Data Science projects from Data Preprocessing to Build Predictive Model and deployed on local server


@Stark Apps | April 2021 - May 2021

Key Achievements & Responsibilities :

  • Worked on Computer Vision based Doctor’s Handwritten Prescription Recognition Project
  • Researched and Designed Project workflow
  • Used CNN + LSTM based architecture to make a base model in TensorFlow

Projects :

Data Science & Machine Learning Projects :

Tech. Stack :

  • Python
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Sci-kit Learn

Categories :

  • Supervised Learning
  • Classification Algorithms
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Data Preprocessing (Handling Data Imbalance, Outliers)
  • Data Visualization
  • Feature Selection
  • Machine Learning Model Building
  • Model Evaluation
  • Dataset used : Click here to download
  • I have uploaded 2 versions of this project.
  • Version 1 : This Notebook contains simple method for feature selection based on correlation with target attribute.
  • Version 2 : This Notebook contains logistic regression method for feature selection based on column's accuracy.
  • Able to got ~100% accuracy.

For more details and Source Code Visit my Repo : Github Link

  • Dataset used : Click here to download
  • Project contains in-depth insight into Dataset - Exploratory Data Analysis, Visualization and Data Preparation.
  • Tried different algorithms for classification and got ~98% accuracy.

For more details and Source Code Visit my Repo : Github Link

  • Dataset used :
  • Project contains - Data Preprocessing by Scaling, Transforming into One-hot vectors, Data Preparation for model bulding and Model evaluation.

For more details and Source Code Visit my Repo : Github Link

  • Dataset used : Click here to download
  • This Project contains in-depth explaination of K-means clustering algorithm with it's working visualization on randomly generated dataset.
  • Also, Used K-means to segment customers to 3 different Clusters.

For more details and Source Code Visit my Repo : Github Link

  • Dataset used : Click here to download
  • This Project contains end-to-end implementation of Decision Tree Classifier with printing tree also.
  • Tree : Click here to view
  • This Project contains data preprocessing, model building and model evaluation.
  • Got ~98%+ accuracy.

For more details and Source Code Visit my Repo : Github Link

  • Dataset used : Click here to download
  • This Project contains in-depth Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization about Nutritions in McDonald's Menu.

For more details and Source Code Visit my Repo : Github Link

Deep Learning (Computer Vision) Projects :

Tech. Stack :

  • Python
  • TensorFlow/Keras
  • NumPy
  • OpenCV
  • PIL (pillow)
  • tkinter
  • Sci-kit Learn
  • Matplotlib
  • DNN Caffe Models - face detection
  • mobilenet_v2 base model with pre-trained weights of 'imagenet'

Categories :

  • Image Classification (Computer Vision)
  • Deep Learning
  • Transfer Learning
  • Real-time Face Detection
  • Image Augmentation
  • Neural Network Architucture Implementation
  • Model Evaluation
  • It's binary class classification task - (People Wearing Mask & Without Mask)
  • For Face Detection DNN based caffe model has been used.
  • For Model training I have used Transfer Learning with 'mobilenet_v2' Neural Network base model with pre-trained weights of 'imagenet'.
  • Made it Real-time with the help of OpenCV.
  • It's multi-class classification task - (Predict digit between 0 to 9)
  • Dataset Used : MNIST digit
  • Deep Learning Model has been built in TensorFlow/Keras from scratch and trained using CNNs.
  • With the help of OpenCV it's possible to detect Multiple Digits in Canvas made in tkinter.
  • Detected digits are passed to Model for Prediction.
  • It's multi-class classification task - (Predict Rock, Paper & Scissors)
  • Animated Dataset has been used.
  • Able to got ~98% Validation accuracy.
  • Correclty classify all the unseen images except only 1.
  • Note : Data Label - Paper 0, Rock 1, Scissors 2
  • It's multi-class classification task - (Predict digit between 0 to 9)
  • LeNet Architecture has been used for Image Classification on MNIST handwritten digit dataset.
  • It's multi-class classification task - (Predict between 10 different classes)
  • MiniVGGNet Architecture has been used for Image Classification on cifar10 dataset.

For more details and Source Code Visit my Repo : Github Link

Tech. Stack :

  • Python
  • TensorFlow/Keras
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib

Categories :

  • Image Segmentation (Computer Vision)
  • Deep Learning
  • Neural Network Architucture Implementation
  • Model Evaluation

Use Pretrained VGG-16 network for the feature extraction path, then followed by an FCN-8 network for upsampling and generating the predictions. The output will be a label map (i.e. segmentation mask) with predictions for 12 classes. Trained the model on dataset contains video frames from a moving vehicle and is a subsample of the CamVid dataset.

This notebook illustrates how to build a UNet for semantic image segmentation. Trained the model on the Oxford Pets - IIT dataset dataset. This contains pet images, their classes, segmentation masks and head region-of-interest. Detailed Explaination has been presented in the notebook itself.

For more details and Source Code Visit my Repo : Github Link

This repository contains Various Techniques that can be used for object detection.

Tech. Stack :

  • Python
  • TensorFlow/Keras
  • object_detection API
  • Matplotlib
  • NumPy
  • Other CV related libraries

Categories :

  • Object Detection (Computer Vision)
  • Deep Learning
  • Image Inference
  • Fine Tuning
  • Eager Mode training
  • Image Annotation
  • TensorFlow Hub
  • Detailed explaination has been presented in the respective notebook itself.

A notebook for object detection with the help of fine tuning of a (TF2 friendly) RetinaNet architecture on very few examples of a novel class after initializing from a pre-trained COCO checkpoint. Training runs in eager mode.

A notebook for "out-of-the-box" object detection model from TensorFlow Hub and inference on images.

For more details and Source Code Visit my Repo : Github Link

Tableau - Data Analysis & Visualization - Projects :

Tableau Profile : Click-here

For more Details : Click-here

Skills :

  • Programming Languages -
    • Proficient : Python
    • Familiar With : Java & C
  • Working Knowledge of Tableau
  • SQL
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Exploratory Data Analysis -
    • NumPy
    • Pandas
  • Data Visualization -
    • Matplotlib
    • Seaborn
  • CV related Library -
    • OpenCV, PIL, Other Utilities
  • Machine Learning -
    • Sci-kit Learn
  • Machine Learning Areas -
    • Hands-on Experience with Classification, Regression Algorithms
    • Familiar with Clustering Algorithms
  • Deep Learning Framework -
    • TensorFlow
    • Keras
  • Deep Learning Areas -
    • Hands-on Experience with Computer Vision
    • Familiar With : NLP, GANs
  • Computer Vision Areas -
    • Hands-on Experience with Image Classification
    • Working Knowledge Of Image Segmentation, Object Detection
  • Version Control Tools -
    • Git
    • GitHub
  • Web Framework -
    • Familiar with Flask
  • Tools/IDEs -
    • Jupyter Notebook
    • Google Colab
    • PyCharm


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