This is a short tutorial to set up dhtmlx (dhx) using only JSON and node/mongodb as a back-end and the REST API. Recently I followed the 'Your First App' tutorial and felt unsatisfied with what I've learned. So I decided to push a little harder and use a demo app 'CRM System' as the base and create my own tutorial.
Update: 20-JUN-2018: this project focuses on getting the framework up and running, interaction with different components and creating and connecting to the back-end. It doesn't concern optimizing the front-end in terms of code overview, readeability, systainability for changes and so on, but this project does using
DHTMLX Optimus is a micro framework for building DHTMLX-based apps. The framework enforces consistent application structure by breaking a monolithic application into a set of reusable classes. As a result, each part of an app can be developed and tested independently and used in various combinations. DHTMLX Optimus is a fully client-side solution. There aren't any special requirements to the server. You can use any data REST backend (PHP, Nodejs, .Net, Java, etc.)
This project only makes the proposed ['CRM System'] demo( work end-to-end, using fetch, and a REST API using Node.
Why you ask? DHTMLX (dhx for short) is a beautiful library to quickly ramp up CMS, CRM, HR, etc systems that are intuitive and complete. Probably you can use alternatives such as angular/vue/react material, but that comes with a full framework. This time I just wanted the simplicity of dhx itself.
DHTMLX API references:
Accordion | Carousel | Layout | Popup | Tabbar | Windows |
Chart | DataView | Grid | List | TreeGrid | TreeView |
Calendar | ColorPicker | Combo | Editor | Form | Slider |
Menu | Ribbon | Sidebar | Toolbar |
When connecting the back-end to it (in English: make the new, delete button work, and allow updates that stay) I discovered that the default dhtmlxDataProcessor is unpredictable and heavy to use. @see my other project
When sending data from the browser, these are the options you have:
- XMLHttpRequest or XHR - old AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)
- jQuery
- WebSocket
- fetch polyfil
- xdomain
But now, the replacement of XMLHttpRequest is here: fetch and you can use it out of the box
So, this example uses:
- fetch (instead of dhtmlxDataProcessor based on XMLHttpRequest) - make it ready for streaming technology also look at Jake Archibald's comparison page
- REST (Representational State Transfer API (instead PHPConnector) leveraging HTTP using GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
- Node (Instead of PHP),
- JSON (instead of XML)
Below you will find screenshots of the demo app 'CRM System' only it runs from my Raspberry Pi (@see tutorial to set up).
- 53 requests
- 385 KB transferred
- Finish 5.87s
- DOMContentLoaded: 337ms
- Load: 376
- Location: Internet (San Francisco, California, United States)
- Full-blown webserver I presume: nginx/1.1.19
- Static content
- Uses local dhtmlx.js and dhtmlx.css
- 34 requests (17 less)
- 81.8 KB transferred (4,7 times smaller)
- Finish 1.08s (5 times faster)
- DOMContentLoaded: n/a
- Load: n/a
- Location: LAN
- Raspberry Pi 3 using Express in Node
- Data from MongoDB
- Ability to Edit, Add and Delete
- Uses CDN to get dhtmlx.js and dhtmlx.css
git clone
cd dhtmlx-json-node
npm i
npm run seed
/ ctrl+c when donenpm start
- point your browser at
Now follows every single step I took in ramping up my app.
- latest node and npm
- mongodb server up and running
- up-to-date javascript, git, bash and mongodb skills
You could have a look at setting up such an environment on either a physical raspberry pi or a virtual raspberry pi.
In this tutorial I consider: less is more, if we can use defaults, we should do it (default: index.html, index.js etc). Only use stuff if and when we need it. I try to follow the latest standards, like lambdas, HTML5, WCAG, OWASP, etc. Also I try to teach only once: the right way. I think it is better to learn things the right way and later discover; 'hey... there is also a old or wrong way'.
This tutorial follows my development step by step using git branches. Every chapter contains a link to the feature branch.
- Step1: Create static html page in Node
- Step2: Get dhx up and running
- Step3: Initialize the layout, grid and form with static data
- Step3a: Improve code
- Use streamable technology
- Step4: Create and connect REST API
- GET using statics for contacts, projects, events and settings.
- GET using data from db
- PUT for updates for the grid and the from
- POST for create
- DELETE for delete
Not part of tutorial
- Connect other views projects, events and settings
- Clean up code
- big global of the settingsforms can be taken out of the code
- Optimize dataProcessor (moved to app.js and reused)
- Optimize front-end (vue.js?)
- Enable routes, so when pressing F5 just stays on the same view
- Extend features
- so sales, settings, events can be added, changed and deleted
- dates are datepickers
- multiselects, dropdowns
- implement error handling
- References
Use npm to create a new package.json
npm init
- package name: (default)
- version: 0.0.1
- description: Basic application using dhtmlx, json, node, rest
- entry point: index.js
- test command: (empty)
- git repo: (default)
- keywords: dhtmlx, json, node, rest
- author: Remi Kristelijn
- licence: (default: ISC)
- Ok?: yes
Before we start coding, we need express as our middleware.
npm i --save express
This created the node_modules folder that we need to add to the .gitignore file:
echo node_modules > .gitignore
Then we create the entry point index.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send("<h1>Hello World</h1>");
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('listening on *:3000');
That is all you need to create a simple node app. You can either use node .
to fire up your application and point your browser to http://localhost:3000
Let's save our work using git add.
, git commit -a -m "blablabla"
and git push
Instead of sending a string, we will send a static html page.
A few notes;
- as of August 2016 dhx provides a CDN so we don't have to download the javascript files.
- WCAG dictates a page should have a language
Create index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
dhtmlxEvent(window, "load", function () {
dhtmlx.message({ type: "alert", text: "Hello world" });
Update index.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
// step2: instead of sending a string, we send a file
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('listening on *:3000');
Restart your node application and enjoy the majesty.
Best practices is to not mix html, javascript, css, etc together, so in this case, we are writing our dhtmlx app inline of index.html. Let's fix that. Before we do that, we need to create folder that is able to load our static files. We call this folder public
mkdir public
mv index.html public
Update index.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const path = require('path'); // step 3: we need to add path in order to use it
app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); // step 3: just serve up the full public directory
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('listening on *:3000');
- type
node .
just to make sure we didn't break anything.
Now it is time to extract the javascript from index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script>
Create a new file public/app.js
dhtmlxEvent(window, "load", function () {
dhtmlx.message({ type: "alert", text: "Hello world" });
Save and restart the server
Isn't that sweet.
Before we continue we probably are tired of restarting the server. Let's fix that using nodemon.
npm i --save-dev nodemon
We don't need to install globally as we can access the nodemon executables from the npm script.
Update package.json
, add a start
-script and add an ignore for the public folder:
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon ./index.js --ignore public/",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"dependencies": {
"express": "^4.16.3"
"devDependencies": {
"nodemon": "^1.17.5"
Now we are going to create the sidebar and the menu. It seems the demo app 'CRM System' uses a different skin.
Update index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script>
Also create public/style.css
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
Then we need to create all elements, update public/app.js
var mainSidebar;
var mainToolbar;
function appInit() {
mainSidebar = new dhtmlXSideBar({
parent: document.body,
icons_path: "imgs/sidebar/",
width: 180,
template: "tiles",
items: [
{ id: "contacts", text: "Contacts", icon: "contacts.png" },
{ id: "projects", text: "Projects", icon: "projects.png" },
{ id: "events", text: "Events", icon: "events.png" },
{ id: "settings", text: "Settings", icon: "settings.png" }
mainToolbar = mainSidebar.attachToolbar({
icons_size: 32,
icons_path: "imgs/toolbar/",
items: [
{ type: "text", id: "title", text: " " },
{ type: "spacer" },
{ type: "button", id: "add", img: "add.png" },
{ type: "button", id: "save", img: "save.png" }
mainSidebar.attachEvent("onSelect", function (id) {
// todo, below doesn't look right; HTML in javascript
mainToolbar.setItemText("title", window.dhx4.template("<span style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;'>#text#</span>", { text: mainSidebar.cells(id).getText().text }));
// select 'Contacts' by default
dhtmlxEvent(window, "load", appInit);
Refresh and this is what we get:
Now the demo uses different js files for the 4 options in the menu and this is initialized on start. We combine the file to improve performance to have only one js file downloaded. Also the demo uses Google maps, we just ignore this feature for now as we need API keys in order for it to work. Also we need tons of images, data files etc. We combine this into one app. Next to that we need to remove the loader from the codebase.
The application looks now like this, and no console errors.
JSON is much more lightweight than XML.
pi@raspberry:~/dhtmlx-json-node/public/server $ ls -al
4364 contacts-minified.json
4445 contacts-ndjson.json
5639 contacts-minified.xml
6475 contacts-fully-beautified.json
6588 contacts-fully-beautified.xml
I'm only drawing conclusions on the minified versions, this is an improvement of (5639-4364) is 1275 bytes less (23% smaller). Let alone having to encode binary data using base64. It is the same for JSON, however there is BSON
Steps to convert dhx XML to JSON:
- use XML to JSON to convert data
- replace
, same forid
-> by replacing"-
- replace
- repoace
- replace
- remove
level on top, removecolums
level in head, renamerow
below the header
Now we need to update the function calls to 'eat' JSON instead of XML. The weird thing is that every dhx object seems to need a different structure.
contactsGrid.load(A.server + "contacts.xml?type=" + A.deviceType, function () {
contactsGrid.selectRow(0, true);
projectsGrid.load(A.server + "projects.xml?type=" + A.deviceType, function () {
projectsGrid.selectRow(0, true);
// ... EVENTS
eventsDataView.load(A.server + "events.xml?type=" + A.deviceType);
settingsDataView.load(A.server + "settings.xml?type=" + A.deviceType, function () {"contacts");
contactsGrid.load(A.server + "contacts.json?type=" + A.deviceType, function () {
contactsGrid.selectRow(0, true);
}, "json");
projectsGrid.load(A.server + "projects.json?type=" + A.deviceType, function () {
projectsGrid.selectRow(0, true);
}, "json");
// ... EVENS
eventsDataView.load(A.server + "events.json?type=" + A.deviceType, "json");
// load the data, somehow a callback doesn't work
settingsDataView.load(A.server + "settings.json", "json");
// fires when the data loading is finished and a component or data is rendered
settingsDataView.attachEvent("onXLE", function () {"contacts");
The first thing we need to do is create a router set for every element.
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const path = require('path');
const port = 3000;
app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
/// /* step 4
const apiRouter = require('./api/api-router')();
app.use('/api', apiRouter);
/// step 4 */
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log('listening on *:' + port);
Then we create a new file and put some HATEOAS in.
const express = require('express');
let routes = () => {
let apiRouter = express.Router();
apiRouter.get('/', (req, res) => {
contacts: { links: `${req.protocol}://${}/api/contacts` }
return apiRouter;
module.exports = routes;
Now we have this:
I use JSON viewer to beautify.
Then we add an API for the contacts. Therefore we need to
- move
Add api/contact/contacts-router.js
const express = require('express');
let routes = () => {
let contactsRouter = express.Router();
contactsRouter.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/contacts.json');
return contactsRouter;
module.exports = routes;
And update /api/api-router.js
const express = require('express');
const contactsRouter = require('./contacts/contacts-router')(); // add this line
let routes = () => {
let apiRouter = express.Router();
apiRouter.use('/contacts', contactsRouter); // add this line
apiRouter.get('/', (req, res) => {
contacts: { links: `${req.protocol}://${}/api/contacts` }
return apiRouter;
module.exports = routes;
Finally we need tell the front-end that the entrypoint for getting contacts is moved.
contactsGrid.load("api/contacts?type=" + A.deviceType, function () {
contactsGrid.selectRow(0, true);
}, "json");
The result:
Same as for contacts;
- we create a folder in
, - move the file
- create a new file
- add the route to
- point the load event to
const express = require('express');
let routes = () => {
let projectsRouter = express.Router();
projectsRouter.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/projects.json');
return projectsRouter;
module.exports = routes;
const express = require('express');
const contactsRouter = require('./contacts/contacts-router')();
const projectsRouter = require('./projects/projects-router')(); // add this line
let routes = () => {
let apiRouter = express.Router();
apiRouter.use('/contacts', contactsRouter);
apiRouter.use('/projects', projectsRouter); // add this line
apiRouter.get('/', (req, res) => {
contacts: { links: `${req.protocol}://${}/api/contacts` },
projects: { links: `${req.protocol}://${}/api/projects` } // add this line
return apiRouter;
module.exports = routes;
projectsGrid.load("api/projects?type=" + A.deviceType, function () {
projectsGrid.selectRow(0, true);
}, "json");
Repeat the process of projects step4b for events and contacts.
For setting up a connection to the database, we need mongoose
npm i --save mongoose
Update index.js
, add:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.set('debug', true);
let db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'Mongoose:'));
db.once('open', () => {
console.log('Connected to mongoose');
If you now start your app:
[nodemon] starting `node ./index.js`
listening on *:3000
Connected to mongoose
(Hands in the air and say: Huray!)
Now we are going to create some data. We do this only once and we (mis)use the spec file for this. Later on I may want to write test. Yeah I know, test-drive development... I bother about test later, and maybe I'll start a new tutor where I first write my tests.
So first, let there be a Schema:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const ContactsSchema = mongoose.Schema({
created: {
type: Date,
photo: String,
name: String,
dob: Date,
pos: String,
email: String,
phone: String,
company: String,
info: String
const Contact = mongoose.model('Contact', ContactsSchema);
module.exports = Contact;
Then create a small file to just insert one contact:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Contact = require('./contacts-model');
mongoose.set('debug', true);
let db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'Mongoose:'));
db.once('open', () => {
console.log('Connected to mongoose');
contact = new Contact({
photo: "<img src=\"imgs/contacts/small/margaret-black.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"contact_photo\">",
name: "Margaret Black",
dob: "9/1/1985",
pos: "CEO",
email: "",
phone: "1-805-287-4750",
info: "M Black Ltd"
}); => {
if (err) {
console.log('error', err);
And now let's try it;
pi@raspberry:~/dhtmlx-json-node/api/contacts $ node contacts-model.spec.js
Connected to mongoose
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b0ea66a948a28613642d50f"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/margaret-black.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Margaret Black', dob: new Date("Sat, 31 Aug 1985 22:00:00 GMT"), pos: 'CEO', email: '', phone: '1-805-287-4750', info: 'M Black Ltd', created: new Date("Wed, 30 May 2018 13:26:02 GMT"), __v: 0 })
The only thing we need to do now is read the contacts.json file, loop though the data and create all contacts.
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Contact = require('./contacts-model');
const fs = require('fs');
mongoose.set('debug', true);
let db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'Mongoose:'));
db.once('open', () => {
console.log('Connected to mongoose');
fs.readFile('./contacts.json', (err, data) => {
if (err) console.log('error', err);
obj = JSON.parse(data);
for (contact of obj.rows) {
console.log(`Creating ${[1]}...`);
contact = new Contact({
}); => {
if (err) {
console.log('error', err);
Let's run it: node contacts-model.spec.js
but first, empty the table to make sure all data is clean
pi@raspberry:~/dhtmlx-json-node/api/contacts $ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.11
connecting to: test
Server has startup warnings:
2018-06-04T11:12:23.300+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2018-06-04T11:12:23.300+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: This 32-bit MongoDB binary is deprecated
2018-06-04T11:12:23.300+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2018-06-04T11:12:23.300+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2018-06-04T11:12:23.300+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** NOTE: This is a 32 bit MongoDB binary.
2018-06-04T11:12:23.300+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** 32 bit builds are limited to less than 2GB of data (or less with --journal).
2018-06-04T11:12:23.300+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** See
2018-06-04T11:12:23.300+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
> use cms
switched to db cms
> db.contacts.remove({})
WriteResult({ "nRemoved" : 17 })
> exit
pi@raspberry:~/dhtmlx-json-node/api/contacts $ node contacts-model.spec.js
Creating Margaret Black...
Creating John Woken...
Creating Jake Peterson...
Creating Bill Jackson...
Creating Jennifer Miles...
Creating Cortny Barrens...
Creating Edward Eden...
Creating Andrew Scott...
Creating Steve Anderson...
Creating Jane Wilson...
Creating Alan Robbinson...
Creating William Parson...
Creating Charlotte Wolks...
Creating Pamela Worner...
Creating Ralf Ross...
Creating Dan Witley...
Creating Anna Harrison...
Connected to mongoose
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf1"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/margaret-black.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Margaret Black', dob: '9/1/1985', pos: 'CEO', email: '', phone: '1-805-287-4750', company: 'M Black Ltd', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf2"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/john-woken.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'John Woken', dob: '3/24/1987', pos: 'Business analyst', email: '', phone: '1-867-777-9834', company: 'M-Black Ltd', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf3"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/jake-peterson.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Jake Peterson', dob: '11/27/1982', pos: 'Accountant', email: '', phone: '1-845-257-9751', company: 'Jackson and partners Inc', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf4"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/bill-jackson.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Bill Jackson', dob: '5/3/1980', pos: 'Web developer', email: '', phone: '1-874-548-9751', company: 'BFG Consulting Inc', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf5"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/jennifer-miles.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Jennifer Miles', dob: '4/17/1985', pos: 'Project manager', email: '', phone: '1-852-895-9752', company: 'F&M Ltd', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf6"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/cortny-barrens.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Cortny Barrens', dob: '6/20/1979', pos: 'Sales manager', email: '', phone: '1-842-458-1452', company: 'F&M Ltd', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf7"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/edward-eden.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Edward Eden', dob: '1/14/1983', pos: 'Business analyst', email: '', phone: '1-863-452-4750', company: 'BFG Consulting Inc', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf8"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/andrew-scott.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Andrew Scott', dob: '2/15/1980', pos: 'HR manager', email: '', phone: '1-874-452-4873', company: 'Jackson and partners Inc', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf9"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/steve-anderson.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Steve Anderson', dob: '4/17/1978', pos: 'Business analyst', email: '', phone: '1-863-548-4874', company: 'Bank of LA', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bfa"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/jane-wilson.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Jane Wilson', dob: '6/25/1980', pos: 'Product manager', email: '', phone: '1-863-452-9834', company: 'HDF Insurance', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bfb"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/alan-robbinson.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Alan Robbinson', dob: '8/16/1970', pos: 'Web developer', email: '', phone: '1-863-452-9752', company: 'Meriton Group', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bfc"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/william-parson.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'William Parson', dob: '10/2/1969', pos: 'Cheif engineer', email: '', phone: '1-874-452-4877', company: 'ANG Learning', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bfd"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/charlotte-wolks.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Charlotte Wolks', dob: '12/4/1989', pos: 'Marketing specialist', email: '', phone: '1-863-452-4750', company: 'HDF Insurance', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bfe"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/pamela-worner.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Pamela Worner', dob: '11/17/1976', pos: 'Business analyst', email: '', phone: '1-863-548-4879', company: 'ANG Learning', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bff"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/ralf-ross.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Ralf Ross', dob: '9/29/1973', pos: 'Sales manager', email: '', phone: '1-863-452-9751', company: 'Bank of LA', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13c00"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/dan-witley.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Dan Witley', dob: '1/5/1978', pos: 'Web developer', email: '', phone: '1-874-452-9834', company: 'Bank of LA', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13c01"), photo: '<img src="imgs/contacts/small/anna-harrison.jpg" border="0" class="contact_photo">', name: 'Anna Harrison', dob: '5/8/1984', pos: 'QA engineer', email: '', phone: '1-863-548-9751', company: 'Meriton Group', created: new Date("Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:07:31 GMT"), __v: 0 })
pi@raspberry:~/dhtmlx-json-node/api/contacts $ ^C
pi@raspberry:~/dhtmlx-json-node/api/contacts $ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.11
connecting to: test
Server has startup warnings:
2018-05-30T14:25:48.215+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2018-05-30T14:25:48.215+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: This 32-bit MongoDB binary is deprecated
2018-05-30T14:25:48.215+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2018-05-30T14:25:48.215+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2018-05-30T14:25:48.215+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** NOTE: This is a 32 bit MongoDB binary.
2018-05-30T14:25:48.215+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** 32 bit builds are limited to less than 2GB of data (or less with --journal).
2018-05-30T14:25:48.215+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** See
2018-05-30T14:25:48.215+0200 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
> use cms
switched to db cms
> show collections
> db.contacts.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b150f6369957c198ff13bf6"), "photo" : "<img src=\"imgs/contacts/small/cortny-barrens.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"contact_photo\">", "name" : "Cortny Barrens", "dob" : "6/20/1979", "pos" : "Sales manager", "email" : "", "phone" : "1-842-458-1452", "company" : "F&M Ltd", "created" : ISODate("2018-06-04T10:07:31.128Z"), "__v" : 0 }
Type "it" for more
> exit
Now that the data is in, let's try and get it via the script.
For this we need a controller:
let contactsController = (Model) => {
// hardcoded header
let _head = [
{ "id": "photo", "width": "65", "type": "ro", "align": "center", "sort": "na", "value": "<span style='padding-left:60px;'>Name</span>" },
{ "id": "name", "width": "150", "type": "ro", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "#cspan" },
{ "id": "dob", "width": "130", "type": "ro", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Date of Birth" },
{ "id": "pos", "width": "130", "type": "ro", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Position" },
{ "id": "email", "width": "170", "type": "ro", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "E-mail Address" },
{ "id": "phone", "width": "150", "type": "ro", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Phone" },
{ "id": "company", "width": "150", "type": "ro", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Company" },
{ "id": "info", "width": "*", "type": "ro", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Additional" }];
// just find all data in table
let _readAll = (callback) => {
Model.find({}, (err, contacts) => {
if (err) callback(err, null);
else callback(null, { head: _head, rows: _toRows(contacts) });
// create {id:x,data:[y,z,...]} from {_id:x,y:'',z:''}
let _toRows = (rows) => {
let result = [];
for (row of rows) {
id: row._id, data: [,, row.dob, row.pos,,,,]
return result;
// revealing model pattern, not revealing _toRows()
return {
readAll: _readAll
module.exports = contactsController;
And we need to call the controller when the route is used:
const express = require('express');
const Contacts = require('./contacts-model');
const contactsController = require('./contacts-controller')(Contacts);
let routes = () => {
let contactsRouter = express.Router();
contactsRouter.get('/', (req, res) => {
contactsController.readAll((err, contacts) => {
if (err) {
} else {
return contactsRouter;
module.exports = routes;
Now the data is retrieved from the database.
Let's review what is done now with the following viewpoints;
The router only is concerned with HTTP traffic. No DB stuff in here, only proper error handling. Yes, there is a dependency on the Contacts
model however this is where the following comes in.
Because of the controller uses Dependency Injection the controller can be hypothetically be used for other controller, if the fields are passed with it. This is maybe something we do in future. So here's a list of task that can be done to improve the code even more:
- pass the structure of the model along with the constructor
- improve the data population script so it ends after running it, but only after all db actions are completed.
- improve the error handler so that dhx also knows what is going on if an error occurs
- make the Date of Birth a real date
Now that the GET is working, let's implement the PUT (update).
Plan of approach
- Implement PUT on the API
- Make the grid editable
- Implement fetch
- Implement onBlur of form
As we want to know what is going in in our HTTP traffic, we use express-log
npm i --save-dev express-log
Because we need to parse the body that is being send, we need body-parser
npm i --save body-parser
Implement both:
// add the following lines to the top
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const logger = require('express-log');
// set up middleware
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
Now we can add the update step in the controller:
// find one and update with one atomic operation, forcing the altered document to return
let _updateOne = (id, data, callback) => {
Model.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: id }, data, { new: true }, (err, contact) => {
if (err) callback(err, null);
else callback(null, contact);
And connect the router to the controller:
contactsRouter.put('/:id', (req, res) => {
contactsController.updateOne(, req.body, (err, contact) => {
if (err) {
} else {
Let's use postman to send a PUT request. Keep in mind the following;
- Your id is different, look in the GET call to get your own id
- It is important to set
in the header
"photo": "<img src='imgs/contacts/small/cortny-barrens.jpg' border='0' class='contact_photo'>",
"name": "Cortny Barrens 2",
"dob": "6/20/1979",
"pos": "Sales manager",
"email": "",
"company":"F&M Ltd"
The only thing left is to connect the front-end. Instead of using dhtmlxDataProcessor
on browser-side, connected to the dhtmlxConnector
server-side, I'm going to wire up the grid directly to fetch.
To create this we need basic understanding of the events of the grid.
I've added all available event-handlers that are mentioned in the documentation. Because of the various number of arguments, some need to return something and the lack of mention of the event-name, I needed to add all the events separately.
Create a new file
function attachDp(obj) {
//fires after a row has been deleted from the grid
obj.attachEvent('onAfterRowDeleted', (id, pid) => {
console.log('onAfterRowDeleted', id, pid);
//fires when the user starts selecting a block
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeBlockSelected', (rId, cInd) => {
console.log('onBeforeBlockSelected', rId, cInd);
//fires when the drag operation starts
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeDrag', (id) => {
console.log('onBeforeDrag', id);
//fires right before a row is deleted
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeRowDeleted', (rId) => {
console.log('onBeforeRowDeleted', rId);
//fires after clicking by the right mouse button on the selection block
obj.attachEvent('onBlockRightClick', (block, object) => {
console.log('onBlockRightClick', block, object);
//fires when a calendar pops up in the grid
obj.attachEvent('onCalendarShow', (myCal, rowId, colInd) => {
console.log('onCalendarShow', myCal, rowId, colInd);
//fires immediately after a cell has been selected
obj.attachEvent('onCellMarked', (rId, ind) => {
console.log('onCellMarked', rId, ind);
//fires immediately after a cell is unselected
obj.attachEvent('onCellUnMarked', (rId, ind) => {
console.log('onCellUnMarked', rId, ind);
//fires after the state of a checkbox has been changed
obj.attachEvent('onCheck', (rId, cInd, state) => {
console.log('onCheck', rId, cInd, state);
//the event is deprecated, use the onCheck event instead; fires after the state was changed
// obj.attachEvent('onCheckbox', (rId, cInd, state) => {
// console.log('onCheckbox', rId, cInd, state);
// });
//fires when the grid is cleared (reloaded)
obj.attachEvent('onClearAll', () => {
//fires after the values have been collected to fill the select filter
obj.attachEvent('onCollectValues', (index) => {
console.log('onCollectValues', index);
return true; //mandatory for the default processing
//fires when the data is loaded to the grid but hasn't been rendered yet
obj.attachEvent('onDataReady', () => {
//fires on calendar's initialization on the page
obj.attachEvent('onDhxCalendarCreated', (myCal) => {
console.log('onDhxCalendarCreated', myCal);
//fires on the end of distributed parsing
obj.attachEvent('onDistributedEnd', () => {
//fires when an item is dragged to another target and the mouse is released, the event can be blocked
obj.attachEvent('onDrag', (sId, tId, sObj, tObj, sInd, tInd) => {
console.log('onDrag', sId, tId, sObj, tObj, sInd, tInd);
//fires before requesting additional data from the server in case of dynamic Smart Rendering or dynamic Paging
obj.attachEvent('onDynXLS', (start, count) => {
console.log('onDynXLS', start, count);
//fires when the edit operation was canceled
obj.attachEvent('onEditCancel', (rowId, colInd, value) => {
console.log('onEditCancel', rowId, colInd, value);
//fires 1-3 times depending on cell's editability (see the stage parameter)
obj.attachEvent('onEditCell', (stage, rId, cInd, nValue, oValue) => {
console.log('onEditCell', stage, rId, cInd, nValue, oValue);
//fires on clicking the dhtmlxgrid area which is not filled with data
obj.attachEvent('onEmptyClick', (ev) => {
console.log('onEmptyClick', ev);
//fires immediately after the Enter key was pressed
obj.attachEvent('onEnter', (id, ind) => {
console.log('onEnter', id, ind);
//fires when filtering is completed (filtering extension)
obj.attachEvent('onFilterEnd', (elements) => {
console.log('onFilterEnd', elements);
//fires when filtering has been activated but before the real filtering started
obj.attachEvent('onFilterStart', (indexes, values) => {
console.log('onFilterStart', indexes, values);
return true; //The event is blockable. Returning false will block the default action. returning true will confirm filtering
//fires immediately after a row has been added/deleted or the grid has been reordered
obj.attachEvent('onGridReconstructed', (obj) => {
console.log('onGridReconstructed', obj);
//fires when a grid was grouped by some column
obj.attachEvent('onGroup', () => {
//fires when a group was opened/closed
obj.attachEvent('onGroupStateChanged', (value, state) => {
console.log('onGroupStateChanged', value, state);
//fires on pressing the Down-Arrow button while the last row of the page is selected
obj.attachEvent('onLastRow', () => {
//fires when validation runs successfully
obj.attachEvent('onLiveValidationCorrect', (id, index, value, input, rule) => {
console.log('onLiveValidationCorrect', id, index, value, input, rule);
//fires when validation runs and rules execution are failed
obj.attachEvent('onLiveValidationError', (id, index, value, input, rule) => {
console.log('onLiveValidationError', id, index, value, input, rule);
//fires when the mouse pointer is moved over a cell
obj.attachEvent('onMouseOver', (id, ind) => {
console.log('onMouseOver', id, ind);
//fires on each resize iteration
obj.attachEvent('onResize', (cInd, cWidth, obj) => {
console.log('onResize', cInd, cWidth, obj);
//fires when resizing of a column is finished
obj.attachEvent('onResizeEnd', (obj) => {
console.log('onResizeEnd', obj);
//fires immediately after the right mouse button has been clicked on a grid's row
obj.attachEvent('onRightClick', (id, ind, obj) => {
console.log('onRightClick', id, ind, obj);
//fires right after a row has been added to the grid
obj.attachEvent('onRowAdded', (rId) => {
console.log('onRowAdded', rId);
//fires when the row is hiding
obj.attachEvent('onRowHide', (id, state) => {
console.log('onRowHide', id, state);
//fires after the ID of a row has been changed (changeRowId, setRowId, dataprocessor)
obj.attachEvent('onRowIdChange', (oldId, newId) => {
console.log('onRowIdChange', oldId, newId);
//fires when the row is added to the grid and filled with data
obj.attachEvent('onRowInserted', (row, rInd) => {
console.log('onRowInserted', row, rInd);
//fires for each row pasted from the clipboard (block selection extension)
obj.attachEvent('onRowPaste', (rId) => {
console.log('onRowPaste', rId);
//fires immediately after a row in the grid has been clicked
obj.attachEvent('onRowSelect', (id, ind) => {
console.log('onRowSelect', id, ind);
//fires immediately after scrolling has occured
obj.attachEvent('onScroll', (sLeft, sTop) => {
console.log('onScroll', sLeft, sTop);
//fires immediately when the selection state has been changed
obj.attachEvent('onSelectStateChanged', (id) => {
console.log('onSelectStateChanged', id);
//fires after the stat values have been calculated
obj.attachEvent('onStatReady', () => {
//fires when sub-row-ajax cell loads its data
obj.attachEvent('onSubAjaxLoad', (id, content) => {
console.log('onSubAjaxLoad', id, content);
//fires when the creation of a sub-grid was initialized (can be blocked)
obj.attachEvent('onSubGridCreated', (obj, rowId, rowIndex) => {
console.log('onSubGridCreated', obj, rowId, rowIndex);
return true;
//fires when a sub-row(sub-grid) was opened/closed
obj.attachEvent('onSubRowOpen', (id, state) => {
console.log('onSubRowOpen', id, state);
//fires when data synchronization is finished
obj.attachEvent('onSyncApply', () => {
//fires during the tabulation in the grid, blockable
obj.attachEvent('onTab', (mode) => {
console.log('onTab', mode);
//fires when the grid was ungrouped
obj.attachEvent('onUnGroup', () => {
//fires when validation runs successfully
obj.attachEvent('onValidationCorrect', (id,index,value,rule) => {
console.log('onValidationCorrect', id,index,value,rule);
//fires when validation runs and rules execution are failed
obj.attachEvent('onValidationError', (id,index,value,rule) => {
console.log('onValidationError', id,index,value,rule);
Then include the file for loading
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="dhx-fetch-dp.js"></script><!--include before-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script>
And call the event bindings
// ...
contactsGrid = contactsLayout.cells("a").attachGrid();
contactsGrid.load("api/contacts?type=" + A.deviceType, function () {
contactsGrid.selectRow(0, true);
}, "json");
// attach form
contactsGrid.attachEvent("onRowSelect", contactsFillForm);
contactsGrid.attachEvent("onRowInserted", contactsGridBold);
// ...
Now you can click on rows, press tab/enter/shift-tab/arrow-keys, move headings, rightclick and you see the events fire in the console window.
Looking at the events, the onEditCell
looks like the most suitable for the PUT request.
//fires 1-3 times depending on cell's editability (see the stage parameter)
obj.attachEvent('onEditCell', (stage, rowId, colIndex, newValue, oldValue) => {
//stage the stage of editing (0-before start; can be canceled if return false,1 - the editor is opened,2- the editor is closed)
const beforeStart = 0;
const editorOpened = 1;
const editorClosed = 2;
if (stage === editorClosed & newValue !== oldValue) {
let fieldName = obj.getColumnId(colIndex);
let request = `{"${fieldName}":"${newValue}"}`;
console.log('request', JSON.parse(request));
fetch(`/api/contacts/${rowId}`, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: 'PUT',
body: request
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
console.log('response', response);
.catch(err => { console.error(err) });
return true;
Also you need to change api/contacts/contacts-controller.js
to allow editing ro
to ed
let _head = [
{ "id": "photo", "width": "65", "type": "ro", "align": "center", "sort": "na", "value": "<span style='padding-left:60px;'>Name</span>" },
{ "id": "name", "width": "150", "type": "ed", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "#cspan" },
{ "id": "dob", "width": "130", "type": "ed", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Date of Birth" },
{ "id": "pos", "width": "130", "type": "ed", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Position" },
{ "id": "email", "width": "170", "type": "ed", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "E-mail Address" },
{ "id": "phone", "width": "150", "type": "ed", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Phone" },
{ "id": "company", "width": "150", "type": "ed", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Company" },
{ "id": "info", "width": "*", "type": "ed", "align": "left", "sort": "na", "value": "Additional" }
And you need to set the editEvents in public/app.js
// attach grid
contactsGrid = contactsLayout.cells("a").attachGrid();
Note to above:
- There is no proper error handling (yet), it just assumes it works always.
- The dataprocessor is now linked to a specific API-url, no no reuse for other grids or object (yet)
- The dataprocessor assumes it is linked to a grid
Let's have a look at the result;
Next up is the form. Let's do the same and connect all the events in a different js script
- rename
- create a new file
- include both files in
- add another argument (
) of the function and rename the function indhx-fetch-dp-grid.js
, also prefix theconsole.log()
using search/replace, or get it from the branch
function attachDpGrid(obj, objectName) {
//fires after a row has been deleted from the grid
obj.attachEvent('onAfterRowDeleted', (id, pid) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onAfterRowDeleted', id, pid);
// ...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="dhx-fetch-dp-grid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dhx-fetch-dp-form.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script>
function attachDpForm(obj, objectName) {
// onAfterReset fires after resetting the form
obj.attachEvent('onAfterReset', (formId) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onAfterReset', formId);
// onAfterSave fires after data has been saved in DB
obj.attachEvent('onAfterSave', (formId, response) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onAfterSave', formId, response);
// onAfterValidate fires after the validation
obj.attachEvent('onAfterValidate', (success) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onAfterValidate', success);
// onBeforeChange fires before the data in some input changed ( by user actions )
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeChange', (itemName, oldValue, newValue) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onBeforeChange', itemName, oldValue, newValue);
return true;
// onBeforeClear fires before the user clears the list of files to upload (clicks the button )
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeClear', () => {
console.log(objectName, 'onBeforeClear');
return true;
// onBeforeDataLoad fires after the data for the form received, but before it's assigned to actual fields
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeDataLoad', (formId, values) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onBeforeDataLoad', formId, values);
return true;
// onBeforeFileAdd fires when the user adds a file to the upload queue
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeFileAdd', (fileName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onBeforeFileAdd', fileName);
return true;
// onBeforeFileRemove fires before the user removes a single file from the list of files to upload (clicks the button )
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeFileRemove', (clientFileName, serverFileName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onBeforeFileRemove', clientFileName, serverFileName);
return true;
// onBeforeFileUpload fires before file uploading has started
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeFileUpload', (mode, loader, formData) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onBeforeFileUpload', mode, loader, formData);
return true;
// onBeforeReset fires before resetting the form
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeReset', (formId, values) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onBeforeReset', formId, values);
return true;
// onBeforeSave fires before saving the form
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeSave', (formId, values) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onBeforeSave', formId, values);
return true;
// onBeforeValidate fires when validation has started but is not applied yet
obj.attachEvent('onBeforeValidate', (formId) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onBeforeValidate', formId);
return true;
// onBlur fires when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the input
obj.attachEvent('onBlur', (itemName, value) => {
// value: item value (for checkboxes and radios only)
console.log(objectName, 'onBlur', itemName, value);
// onButtonClick fires when the user clicks a button
obj.attachEvent('onButtonClick', (itemName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onButtonClick', itemName);
// onChange fires when data in some input was changed
obj.attachEvent('onChange', (itemName, value, state) => {
//state = checked/unchecked (for checkboxes and radios only)
console.log(objectName, 'onChange', itemName, value, state);
// onClear when the user clears the list of files to upload (clicks on button )
obj.attachEvent('onClear', () => {
console.log(objectName, 'onClear');
// onDisable fires when the container is disabled after being enabled
obj.attachEvent('onDisable', (itemName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onDisable', itemName);
// onEditorAccess fires when the user accesses the editor body
obj.attachEvent('onEditorAccess', (name, type, event, editor, form) => {
// name string the item's name
// type string the type of the accessing action (e.g. "mousedown","focus","mouseup","click", "blur")
// ev object the event object
// editor object the editor instance
// form object the form instance
console.log(objectName, 'onEditorAccess', name, type, event, editor, form);
// onEditorToolbarClick fires when the user clicks the editor toolbar
obj.attachEvent('onEditorToolbarClick', (name, toolbarId, editor, form) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onEditorToolbarClick', name, toolbarId, editor, form);
// onEnable fires when the container control is enabled after being disabled
obj.attachEvent('onEnable', (itemName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onEnable', itemName);
// onEnter fires on pressing the Enter button when the mouse pointer is set in an input control
obj.attachEvent('onEnter', (itemName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onEnter', itemName);
// onFileAdd fires when the user adds a file to the upload queue
obj.attachEvent('onFileAdd', (fileName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onFileAdd', fileName);
// onFileRemove fires when the user removes single file from the list of files to upload (clicks the button )
obj.attachEvent('onFileRemove', (clientFileName, serverFileName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onFileRemove', clientFileName, serverFileName);
// onFocus fires when an input gets focus
obj.attachEvent('onFocus', (itemName, value) => {
// value: item value (for checkboxes and radios only)
console.log(objectName, 'onFocus', itemName, value);
// onImageUploadFail fires when an image was uploaded incorrectly
obj.attachEvent('onImageUploadFail', (itemName, extra) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onImageUploadFail', itemName, extra);
// onImageUploadSuccess fires when an image was uploaded correctly
obj.attachEvent('onImageUploadSuccess', (itemName, imageName, extra) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onImageUploadSuccess', itemName, imageName, extra);
// onInfo fires when the user clicks the Info icon
obj.attachEvent('onInfo', (itemName, event) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onInfo', itemName, event);
// onInputChange fires when data in an input was changed and the cursor is still in this input
obj.attachEvent('onInputChange', (itemName, value, form) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onInputChange', itemName, value, form);
// onKeydown fires when the native "onkeydown" event is triggered
obj.attachEvent('onKeydown', (inputElement, eventObject, itemName, value) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onKeydown', inputElement, eventObject, itemName, value);
// onKeyup fires when the native "onkeyup" event is triggered
obj.attachEvent('onKeyup', (inputElement, eventObject, itemName, value) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onKeyup', inputElement, eventObject, itemName, value);
// onOptionsLoaded fires after the item options were completely loaded from the server to the client
obj.attachEvent('onOptionsLoaded', (itemName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onOptionsLoaded', itemName);
// onUploadCancel fires when the user cancels uploading of a file (clicks the button ).
obj.attachEvent('onUploadCancel', (fileName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onUploadCancel', fileName);
// onUploadComplete fires when all files from the list have been uploaded to the server
obj.attachEvent('onUploadComplete', (count) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onUploadComplete', count);
// onUploadFail fires when the file upload has failed
obj.attachEvent('onUploadFail', (fileName) => {
//fileName the real name of the file (as it's displayed in the control)
console.log(objectName, 'onUploadFail', fileName);
// onUploadFile fires when a single file from the list has been uploaded to the server
obj.attachEvent('onUploadFile', (clientFileName, serverFileName) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onUploadFile', clientFileName, serverFileName);
// onValidateError fires for each error during validation
obj.attachEvent('onValidateError', (name, value, result) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onValidateError', name, value, result);
// onValidateSuccess fires for each success during validation
obj.attachEvent('onValidateSuccess', (name, value, result) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onValidateSuccess', name, value, result);
// onXLE fires when the data loading is finished and a component or data is rendered
obj.attachEvent('onXLE', () => {
//callback order: onXLS event => [request] => onXLE event => doOnLoad()
console.log(objectName, 'onXLE');
// onXLS fires when XML loading started
obj.attachEvent('onXLS', () => {
//callback order: onXLS event => [request] => onXLE event => doOnLoad()
console.log(objectName, 'onXLS');
update our main app so it binds the events
function contactsInit(cell) {
if (contactsLayout == null) {
// init layout
contactsLayout = cell.attachLayout("2U");
contactsLayout.cells("b").fixSize(true, true);
contactsLayout.setAutoSize("a", "a;b");
// attach grid
contactsGrid = contactsLayout.cells("a").attachGrid();
contactsGrid.load("api/contacts?type=" + A.deviceType, function () {
contactsGrid.selectRow(0, true);
}, "json");
attachDpGrid(contactsGrid, 'contactsGrid'); // <<<<
// attach form
contactsGrid.attachEvent("onRowSelect", contactsFillForm);
contactsGrid.attachEvent("onRowInserted", contactsGridBold);
contactsForm = contactsLayout.cells("b").attachForm([
{ type: "settings", position: "label-left", labelWidth: 110, inputWidth: 160 },
{ type: "container", name: "photo", label: "", inputWidth: 160, inputHeight: 160, offsetTop: 20, offsetLeft: 65 },
{ type: "input", name: "name", label: "Name", offsetTop: 20 },
{ type: "input", name: "email", label: "E-mail" },
{ type: "input", name: "phone", label: "Phone" },
{ type: "input", name: "company", label: "Company" },
{ type: "input", name: "info", label: "Additional info" }
attachDpForm(contactsForm, 'contactsForm'); // <<<<
contactsForm.setSizes = contactsForm.centerForm;
Looking at the events, the onChange
seems the most suitable to fire a request to the API.
This is what we have to do;
- get all data to be send
- send the data
- sync with the grid
Getting the rowId
is not that hard:
Sending the request is the same as in the grid, but then we have a problem; how are we going to communicate back to grid within this function? Let me try to see if we can create a custom event:
obj.callEvent("onAfterChange", [rowId, itemName, value]);
So in the script:
// onChange fires when data in some input was changed
obj.attachEvent('onChange', (itemName, value, state) => {
//state = checked/unchecked (for checkboxes and radios only)
console.log(objectName, 'onChange', itemName, value, state);
let rowId = obj.getItemValue('id');
let request = `{"${itemName}":"${value}"}`;
console.log(objectName, 'request', JSON.parse(request), rowId);
fetch(`/api/contacts/${rowId}`, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: 'PUT',
body: request
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
console.log(objectName, 'response', response);
// call a custom event, onAfterChange doesn't exist
obj.callEvent("onAfterChange", [rowId, itemName, value]);
.catch(err => { console.error(err) });
If that is possible we can easily 'catch' it again in the app.js, where all items are spaghetti-coded anyway:
contactsForm.attachEvent("onAfterChange", (rowId, field, value) => {
fieldIndex = contactsGrid.getColIndexById(field);
console.log('contactsForm', 'onAfterChange', 'CUSTOM EVENT!', rowId, field, value, fieldIndex);
contactsGrid.cells(rowId, fieldIndex).setValue(value);
What do you know, it works. You can check it out at Brach Step4e
We take the same approach as the previous step (which is, design top-down, build bottom-up):
- create the API and test it
- connect the toolbar button
- complete interaction with the grid
You can see/clone the result of this chapter on Branch Step4e (sorry, messed up right order, but the hyperlink is right)
//add following function
let _createOne = (data, callback) => {
Model.create(data, (err, contact) => {
if (err) callback(err, null);
else callback(null, contact);
// revealing model pattern, not revealing _toRows()
return {
readAll: _readAll,
updateOne: _updateOne,
createOne: _createOne // <<<< add this line
//add following function'/', (req, res) => {
contactsController.createOne(req.body, (err, contact) => {
if(err) {
} else {
Test using postman, payload:
"photo": "<img src='imgs/contacts/small/remi-kristelijn.jpg' border='0' class='contact_photo' height='40' width='40'>",
"name": "Remi Kristelijn",
"dob": "12/17/1079",
"pos": "Enterprise Architect",
"email": "",
listening on *:3000
Connected to mongoose
Mongoose: contacts.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("5b1a36c201c7e91842e32afc"), photo: '<img src=\'imgs/contacts/small/remi-kristelijn.jpg\' border=\'0\' class=\'contact_photo\'>', name: 'Remi Kristelijn', dob: '12/17/1079', pos: 'Enterprise Architect', email: '', phone: '1-842-458-1452', company: 'Accenture', created: new Date("Fri, 08 Jun 2018 07:56:50 GMT"), __v: 0 })
POST / 200 43ms
Now let's connect that to the button;
First I tried to add an event within the initialization of the contacts layout in functioncontactsInit()
. I also added one in the projectsInit()
like the one below.
contactsInit(cell) {
// ...
mainToolbar.attachEvent("onClick", (buttonId) => {
console.log("mainToolbar/contact", "onClick", buttonId);
// ...
projectsInit(cell) {
// ...
mainToolbar.attachEvent("onClick", (buttonId) => {
console.log("mainToolbar/contact", "onClick", buttonId);
// ...
However when switching to projects and back, clicking the button resulted in both events fireing. So I needed to filter out to fire only when contacts was selected.
contactsInit(cell) {
// ...
mainToolbar.attachEvent("onClick", (buttonId) => {
if(mainSidebar.getActiveItem() === 'contacts') {
console.log("mainToolbar/contact", "onClick", buttonId);
let rowId = contactsGrid.uid();
contactsGrid.addRow(rowId, "");
// ...
projectsInit(cell) {
// ...
mainToolbar.attachEvent("onClick", (buttonId) => {
if(mainSidebar.getActiveItem() === 'projects') {
console.log("mainToolbar/contact", "onClick", buttonId);
// ...
Now let's connect the API call.
//fires right after a row has been added to the grid
obj.attachEvent('onRowAdded', (rId) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onRowAdded', rId);
fetch(`/api/contacts/`, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: 'POST'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
console.log(objectName, 'response', response);
/* NOTE: we need to replace the dhx-created (temporarely) rowId with the server row-id */
obj.callEvent("onAfterRowAdded", [rId, response._id]);
.catch(err => { console.error(err) });
As you can see we need another event to do something after the creation in the database. So we fire a custom event: onAfterRowAdded
and catch that again in app.js
contactsInit(cell) {
// ...
contactsGrid.attachEvent("onAfterRowAdded", (tempRowId, serverRowId) => {
console.log('contactsGrid', 'onAfterRowAdded', 'CUSTOM EVENT!', tempRowId, serverRowId);
contactsGrid.changeRowId(tempRowId, serverRowId);
// ...
Now there one thing that is impossible to populate now, the avatar image. Let's predefault that in the model.
const ContactsSchema = mongoose.Schema({
// ...
photo: {
type: String,
default: "<img src='imgs/contacts/small/some-one.png' border='0' class='contact_photo' height='40' width='40'>"
// ...
Now we can add new contacts.
let _deleteOne = (id, callback) => {
Model.findByIdAndRemove({ _id: id }, (err) => {
if (err) callback(err, null);
else callback(null, null);
// revealing model pattern, not revealing _toRows()
return {
readAll: _readAll,
updateOne: _updateOne,
createOne: _createOne,
deleteOne: _deleteOne // <<<<
// ...
contactsRouter.delete('/:id', (req, res) => {
contactsController.deleteOne(, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
res.sendStatus(204).end( + " removed");
mainToolbar.attachEvent("onClick", (buttonId) => {
if (mainSidebar.getActiveItem() === 'contacts') {
console.log("mainToolbar/contact", "onClick", buttonId);
let rowId;
switch (buttonId) {
case "add":
rowId = contactsGrid.uid();
contactsGrid.addRow(rowId, "");
case "del":
rowId = contactsGrid.getSelectedRowId();
let rowIndex = contactsGrid.getRowIndex(rowId);
// highlight the next record, or the previous record when deleting the last line
if (rowIndex < contactsGrid.getRowsNum()) {
contactsGrid.selectRow(rowIndex, true);
} else {
contactsGrid.selectRow(rowIndex - 1, true)
//fires after a row has been deleted from the grid
obj.attachEvent('onAfterRowDeleted', (id, pid) => {
console.log(objectName, 'onAfterRowDeleted', id, pid);
fetch(`/api/contacts/${id}`, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: 'DELETE'
.then(response => {
console.log(objectName, 'response', response.statusText);
.catch(err => { console.error(err) });
git checkout -b step1