This project contains an AWS Lambda Maven application and scripts to package and deploy it in three different ways:
- As a Lambda function with Java 11 runtime.
- As a Lambda function with custom GraalVM Java 17 runtime packaged as the Lambda Layer.
- As a Lambda function with custom Java 19 (Amazon Corretto) runtime packaged as the Lambda layer.
All the options can be tested by the Artillery script to collect a performance benchmark.
The architecture is presented in the picture given below.
The load script sends requests to API Gateway
API gateway invokes the Lambda function written in Java
The Lambda function writes a simple object that consists of Amazon Request ID to DynamoDB table using the DynamoDB-enhanced library from AWS Java 2 SDK
- Java 17
- Apache Maven
- Docker
- Artillery
- lambda-app: The Maven application with the code of the Lambda function
- bootstrap: The file required by a custom runtime that Lambda runs. Please read to learn more.
- The file to build ZIP files with Lambda code and layer for GraalVM Java 17 deployment option (custom runtime).
- The file to build ZIP files with Lambda code and layer for Amazon Corretto Java 19 deployment option (custom runtime).
- Dockerfile_graalvm: Docker file to build GraalVM Java 17 artifacts inside Docker container on Amazon Linux 2.
- Dockerfile_corretto19: Docker file to build Amazon Corretto Java 19 artifacts inside Docker container on Amazon Linux 2.
- loadtest.yaml: Artillery load test.
- template-java11-runtime.yaml: AWS SAM template for deployment of the application with Java 11 Lambda runtime.
- template-java17-graalvm-runtime.yaml: AWS SAM template for deployment of the application with Graal VM Java 17 custom Lambda runtime.
- template-java19-custom-runtime.yaml: AWS SAM template for deployment of the application with Amazon Corretto Java 19 custom Lambda runtime.
The application can be built by three different options listed below. For custom runtimes, ensure that you have a Docker running.
cd lambda-app/ && mvn clean package -P java11
sh ./
sh ./
Depending on the build option, you need a particular SAM template to deploy the artifacts crated by the build option chosen.
sam deploy -t template-java11-runtime.yaml --stack-name java11
sam deploy -t template-java17-graalvm-runtime.yaml --stack-name java17-graalvm
sam deploy -t template-java19-custom-runtime.yaml --stack-name java19-custom
To test the deployed application by Artillery, you need to note the API gateway endpoint from AWS SAM Outputs and run the following command:
artillery run -t {PUT_YOUR_ENDPOINT_HERE} -v '{ "url": "/items/" }' loadtest.yaml
Get the Lambda Cold Start and Warm Start timings by the following CloudWatch query:
filter @type = "REPORT"
| parse @log /\d+:\/aws\/lambda\/(?<function>.*)/
| stats
count(*) as invocations,
pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 0) as p0,
pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 25) as p25,
pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 50) as p50,
pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 75) as p75,
pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 90) as p90,
pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 95) as p95,
pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 99) as p99,
pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 100) as p100
group by function, ispresent(@initDuration) as coldstart
| sort by coldstart, function